View Full Version : accidentally injested some kind of chemical...but not sure what? :/

13-01-15, 09:24
This is a bit long I know but please read. Ok so last night I was brushing my teeth and got into the shower and realised I had a weird nasty chemical taste in my mouth.

I realised that whatever it was must have been on my toothbrush. I don't know what it was but it sure
wasn't toothpaste!

You see sometimes my toothbrush will fall out of the holder and onto the back of the sink. I know that there's a lot of chemicals that manage to get splashed there - cleaning products, soap, hair dye splashes etc. My toothbrush must have fallen into this area and picked up some of the chemical.

Well anyway I immediately rinsed my mouth out and drank plenty of water until it went away.

But now I'm getting worried about what it was. I guess the worst it could be would be a bit of hair dye or a cleaning product/bleach residue. It had a metallic taste to it. Thankfully there's no super poisonous things like draino or caustic soda in my household.

I didn't vomit and there's no burns or anything in my mouth. If I did swallow it it must have been a small amount because I always rinse the brush, don't swallow any toothpaste, and rinse my mouth again.

Do you think I will be okay if nothing has happened so far? I'm getting really panicked.

13-01-15, 10:48
been there and worried about about stuff like this but id say your going to be just fine the worst thing that might happen is an upset stomach :) funny story my GF had some hair removal cream and had left it on the side and me being in a rush thought it was toothpaste and brushed with it haha let me tell you this the worst thing that happened was I was sick a few times and lost the feeling in my tongue for a few hours haha:blush:
hope your feeling better