View Full Version : Could I be going through the change?

13-01-15, 09:52
After a few emotional days my mum suggested I could be pre menopause? She was my age and so was my aunt. Reading up the symptoms on other sites seems to tick every box for me. I'm off to docs today so see what he thinks. Hope you are all having a strong day!! Xx

13-01-15, 11:48
Good luck! I am right where you are too. Let us know what your doc says.

13-01-15, 13:28
Hey deb by. Thanks for your reply. Hope you're having a good day? Well my doctor did even entertain the idea of menopause. He looked at my records and the time it has been going on and matter of factly told me it's absolutely anxiety! ( the way he handled it was perfect for me as I like it to be matter of fact and leaving no room for questions) he did say he would have bloods done for thyroid and dibetites but has prescribed me ciaopram. Took my first one just now so fingers crossed it will help with my road to recovery. Xx