View Full Version : another private scan booked. I have no strength! please help. I will end up bankrupt!

13-01-15, 20:48
I have spent thousands on private medical tests and now I have failed and booked an ultrrasound! dont know why im bothering because I know when i have had it my worry will jump from ovarian cancer to cervical.

I am begging for help

13-01-15, 21:10
However hard it is, you have to break that cycle. You are chasing something that probably isn't there and you are right, it is just a sticking plaster. Also do you know that on average an adult has three benign abnormalities that would show on a CT scan. Some of these would prompt further investigation, worry etc. when in reality they would never have been noticed otherwise.

Cancel it.

13-01-15, 21:12
really cancel it? it will make me feel better so I can concentrate on cbt?

13-01-15, 21:13
cancel it and book a holiday :) You are just creating more worry by having more scans as you say it will just jump to something else. Try this workbook http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53

13-01-15, 21:17
really cancel it? it will make me feel better so I can concentrate on cbt?

I think maybe the proof is in the pudding. You mention that you have already spent a lot of money on tests, etc......and yet you are still anxious. So how will this scan make you feel better?

I have to agree to cancel the scan. It will just fuel your anxiety. First worrying about having it, secondly waiting and worrying about the results, and then if they did find anything even small and of no consequence, the worry of that. It just gets you nowhere.

It may be far better to wholeheartedly focus on gaining help for your high anxiety and worry, hopefully with CBT, or other therapeutic help x

13-01-15, 21:24
I thought it was a well know fact that 'reassurance testing' in people with anxiety just leads to more anxiety. One of the problems with private healthcare is they want your money and may not always have your best interests at heart.

Just because you can book a scan doesn't mean you should. I would suggest being guided by your NHS GP. There is nothing wrong with using a private scan to skip the NHS waiting list but if the GP doesn't think you need a scan at all I would suggest NOT having one.

Instead discuss your anxiety and possible treatments like medication and therapy.

---------- Post added at 21:24 ---------- Previous post was at 21:22 ----------

My understanding is ovarian cancer is quite rare as well.

13-01-15, 21:41
really cancel it? it will make me feel better so I can concentrate on cbt?

It won't make you feel better. It will make you feel less wealthy.

Seriously my view is that you should cancel it.

13-01-15, 22:21
I agree cancel it. It will probably be the hardest thing you have to do but it will be a start to breaking the cycle. I am sounding hard. i'm not. I've been there / am there. HA is soul destroying. cancelling the scan is one step towards fighting back

14-01-15, 00:10
Echoing the above sentiments - cancel it. It's not going to make you feel any better. Like you said, you know your mind will jump to the next thing in spite of the scan. Save your money and concentrate on CBT now.

14-01-15, 09:00
All that unnecessary radiation as well! Cancel it as you won't be satisfied anyway

14-01-15, 13:08
On reading this I am trying to be strong to on all your advise, my health anxiety off the scale, had chest xray 3 lots bloods ultrasound September but it couldn't see a bit of pancreas and a vein but found polyp fibroid etc as stated above starts to find other things. Doc said to have ct scan but she also said this will feed my habit then onto something else. Just hope the cbt and trauma therapy help, as now got hand down loo checking poop tmi I know but that's how bad it is and due to being overweight indigestion bad to so that kick starts other thoughts

14-01-15, 14:57
thank you all. its so bloody hard to do it. its like a drug but only temp!!

14-01-15, 18:24
And more expensive!

14-01-15, 18:28
Hello, can I ask why you're worried about cervical cancer? Do you have abnormal cells in your cervix? Do you have a high risk hpv in your cervix? When was your last smear?

14-01-15, 20:38
I dont know what to do!! sobbing here

14-01-15, 22:39
Cancel your scan, you can do it. It's clear you know deep down that it's your anxiety. Say no to the dragon. :)

14-01-15, 22:49
I'm saying no to ! Be strong I've had xray ultrasound ok odd part couldn't be seen. Book a holiday if you can wish I could. If you must go to gyny they always have one at sexual health clinic, I know this as mines goes there :whistles: she can do an internal give you quick check and can feel if enlarged and free. Still going down health anxiety route but cheaper if you really must