View Full Version : Migraine Aura - experiences

13-01-15, 20:51

Still on the HA treadmill ...

I have suffered from Migraine auras since I was about 14 years old. I'm now 46 and over the last few years I have had a few more. I used to go years I between attacks, then months, now it's more often. I'm not worried about these as I've always had them and follow my Mum, who has the same. I do not get the headache - just flashing in eyes which starts small, gets larger as it moves to my peripheral vision, then disappears. This usually takes 20mins and even though it feels as though it is in one eye, I can see the aura through both eyes if I close one or the other. Anyway, this has been the pattern.

Last week I was in a meeting when I had a big area in my right eye, which it thought was a migraine, but was different. It was like a big dark patch. When I blinked it was like I'd been looking at a light bulb. I did not have the typical aura I usually have and it was only in one eye. I freaked out and ended up being checked for a TIA because it was one eye.

Today, I had it again.

My question is, has anyone else had a change to their aura pattern? One eye? Different vision? Also, the time. These last two 'auras" have only lasted 5 mins. As I said, usually they take 20 mins.

I'm still waiting to see a consultant about this, but since then my Mum said she has experienced a change to hers on occasions and the doctors told me that auras can change.

If anyone can relate or let me know if they have had a change. I'd really appreciate it.


13-01-15, 22:40
I do believe they can change.

I have had migraines since I was 11 years old (I am now 23). They varied in the strength of the pain, but I never had an aura. When I was 19, I had my first aura. It was similar to yours - like I had looked at a bright light and my vision hadn't adjusted back. I had no idea what was going on, after about 10 minutes I wondered if it was migraine-related. A little while after that, I had a truly terrible migraine.

A couple of years later (during which time I had no aura, just "minor" migraines) I had another aura. This one was terrifying. I woke up, checked my emails, and noticed in one eye I was seeing zig-zag lines. That turned into a blind spot. Freaking out, I went to my eye doctor (my dad had a retina tear several years ago) and was told it was probably migraine related. While I was in the office, the migraine hit. It was the worst I have ever had. I was having trouble speaking, and ended up going to the ER.

Saw a neurologist, everything was fine. Two years later and I haven't had any other auras or terrible migraines, knock on wood.

But yes, they can change :). It's good to see someone just to be sure, but it's probably nothing. There are a lot of factors, I'm sure - diet, exercise, hormones, etc.

13-01-15, 23:28
Thanks Poppy:)

Luckily, I've never really had the headache apart from a slight ache, it must be horrible to have such pain.

Sarah x