View Full Version : New here. Terrified of petechiae

14-01-15, 03:05
Hi, I'm new here. I'm 26 years old and suffer from HA.
Been around anxiety forums for some time now. It all started in 2007 when I got swollen lymph nodes in my groin and armpits. Still have them and they still cause me concern.
Last night when I was brushing my teeth I noticed that I had tiny little pin pricks red dots on my upper left arm extending from my elbow up to my armpit. I freaked out and i'm still freaking out. It looks like petechiae and it doesn't blanch or fade when I push on it. Now I'm convinced that I have the lymphoma I've been dreading for going on 8 years now. That or leukemia since that is a common symptom.

I don't feel sick at all. I'm not fatigued, I'm not losing weight and my appetite is good. No night sweats or anything like that either. JUST the ancient swollen lymph nodes and now this.

I wanted to post pics of it but I don't seem to be allowed.

---------- Post added at 03:05 ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 ----------

I should mention that whenever I bleed I clot normally so my blood seems normal. or at least it was

14-01-15, 07:30
Hi and welcome!

Petechiae do not necessarily mean you have an illness. Once I got petechiae on my abdomen by wearing too tight jeans!!! And I was perfectly healthy. Maybe you pushed your arm against something and got petechiae instead of bruising.

If there is something wrong with your platelets you would also bruise easily, and you would have petechiae in more than one spot.

Probably this is just one single episode just like it happens to me sometimes!

14-01-15, 07:36
I have a few on my fingers and hands and like you I freaked out but they have been around for months now and I have had blood tests for other things and everything seemed normal, don't worry they are quite common and " normal"...

14-01-15, 08:28
Hiya, I've had that on the tops of my arms for years. Always wondered what it was and amazingly for me I've never googled it, had I googled it 10 years ago I might have come to the same ( probably panic misguided )conclusion as you, as it is, I'm still here!! Good luck with your HA.

14-01-15, 20:37
Hi there, I have little red pin prick spots on my arms, legs, torso, breasts and back. I have only noticed them since having HA I gave been seen by several doctors who all reassure me that they are perfectly normal and nothing for me to worry about.

14-01-15, 21:17
Well. It has kinda cleared up :whistles:

19-01-15, 06:15
I have it on my legs...just recently but read online and here in the symptom forums someone had it on them and their girlfriend discovered it and they found the girlfriend had more than them lol...so it must not be any bad.Mine..I think is caused by a certain med.. or leukemia which I don't think i have so its probably the med.