View Full Version : Chest pains really getting me down now

14-01-15, 10:31
Suffered for years now with anxiety symptoms usually head or heart related but seemed to have a good year last year with coping however the last 4-5 weeks I have been experiencing chest pains that are really getting me down.

I have suffered before with chest pains and have had various ECGs which have all been clear and have been put down to anxiety but this time its freaking me out.

The pain is sometimes really sharp stabbing pains and other times it just feels like a dull pressure feeling and when it comes no matter how I tell my self its nothing I start to panic and I worry that I have a heart problem which then causes panic symptoms. I am a kickboxer so train 3-4 times a week so keep telling myself Ive pulled a muscle in my chest as the pains can disappear for a few days then come back but the pain doesnt seem to occur while im exercising.

Surely if I had a heart problem it would get worse when I exercising and if I was going to have a heart attack it would have happened by now instead of going on for over a month.

I dont want to go to the Docs as I feel I am always there for one thing or another so just after a bit of reassurance from you guys.


14-01-15, 13:57
I to have chest pain every single day. it makes me feel sick dizzy and worried. its been goin on for many years it stops me from doin thngs aswell.

14-01-15, 22:08
Could be gastritis, the pain is often felt as chest pain!