View Full Version : Ladies problem

10-01-07, 19:50

Not sure if any one can give any advice on this, for once I am scared to go to the Doc's (usually dash all the time [:I])

I am experiencing problems with right breast (loosing what appears to be breast milk, I am 33 years old, defo not pregnant and my son is Twelve) does anyone have have any idea what this could be, have had it for a couple of months but am scared to even google it incase it is bad, its ironic coz I usually look up any twinge but for some reason am scared to face this one, any ideas what could cause this please?

10-01-07, 21:22
Hello Wendy!

Stress, and/or medication taken for stress and anxiety and/or hormone inbalance caused by the aforementioned are three things I can think of that might possibly be the cause of this. But...... I'm just a granny not a doctor and I would advise you to go and see him to put your mind at rest!

For your own peace of mind I think that's the way to go, even though this is difficult for you.

Let us know how you get on :)

Take care now

lotsa luv

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

10-01-07, 21:27
You must go to the docs to get your mind put to rest!!! I had a lump last year which turned out to be a cyst. It was really scarey but you have to go!!!

10-01-07, 21:30
I had this a few years ago like you i was afraid to go to doctors and suffered it for 4 months went to see doctor in end and it was mastitis had three days antibiotics and it cleared up
hope every thing turns out ok for you

10-01-07, 22:30
hi wendy

i know you say you are scared to go to doc,s BUT you must go and get this looked at they say most probs like this are nothing but you need to let a doc see for sure .
try get to the docs tomoz put yor mind at rest hun i am sure it is nothing .
jo x

11-01-07, 12:09
hi wendy, i can remember someone calling into the doctor on 'this morning' with exactly the same problem. She had had it for ages and had spent months and months worrying about what it was. They persuaded her to go and see her gp, and she phoned back a few weeks later and it had turned out to be a blocked duct or something, so she had wasted all that time worrying.

it's really not worth waiting around with it on your mind, go to see your gp as soon as you can, and it will put your mind at rest.


11-01-07, 18:33
Thanks all, as always your support has helped me lots and I am going to see my doc tom, xxx