View Full Version : New symptoms making my throat cancer fear worse...

14-01-15, 16:33
Hi everyone. Sorry to post about this again, but some new stuff has popped up and I'm terrified that it's indicating that something serious is going on in my throat.

First off, I've had a feeling like something was stuck in my throat for the past three years. It's a little different than the globus feeling, but more prominent when I get anxious. It is located slightly below my adam's apple, and a bit to the left of it. When I eat or drink I can't feel the sensation, but feel it a lot when my throat is dry. If I intentionally move my adams apple up and down it feels like a scratchy sensation. I had seen two doctors about it when I first noticed the issue, and was told it could be my post-nasal drip (which I have never successfully treated, and have had ever since). I also have allergies and sometimes suffer from heartburn and GERD like symptoms sometimes (this was never officially diagnosed).

There is now some pain in that specific spot when I cough, or clear my throat, sometimes when I move my Adam's Apple, and only very infrequently when I swallow. This is a new development, although it is still not really felt when I eat or drink, and I have no issues at all swallowing. Also, in recent days I have developed a bit of a sore throat accompanied by a producing cough (mostly clear mucus, but with little chunks of yellow or darkish phlegm). The soreness and irritation is not really in my lower throat, but more the area where my sinus drainage would meet the back of my throat (above the tonsils I guess). The area of my throat where food would pass through is not sore. I have also noticed what may be a lymph node below my jaw, by my hyoid bone, I'm not sure how big, but it's freely moveable (although I just felt a similar lump on the other side, but not as big).

Sorry for the long (and detailed) post, but I've been losing some sleep over it. I'm convinced that with these recent developments that the doctors didn't take my initial concerns seriously 3 years ago, and the lump feeling was actually a pre-malignant tumor or something that finally decided to attack me, and possibly spread to my lymph nodes and lungs...

14-01-15, 18:40
I had OC. I really didn't have any symptoms. A swollen painless node after a cold/sinus infection that never went away and grew.

What you describe is nothing like what I or many other OC warriors and survivors experience. Certainly nothing like you described. The fact that you've had these symptoms for several years points toward a much more benign reason.

What has your doctor said?

Positive thoughts

14-01-15, 20:17
Hi Fish,

Thanks for the reply.

In the past the docs just said it was likely from my chronic post-nasal drip, but I scheduled an appointment for the 23rd to get a new evaluation.

Was your cold/sinus infection related to the cancer, or purely coincidental?

15-01-15, 17:51
Also, been having some night sweats lately. Are those associated with throat cancer?