View Full Version : Extreme Dizzyness

10-01-07, 19:50

Has anyone experienced dizzymess when coming off the pill? I was on it for 6 years and have recently come off to start trying for a baby - but I have had such bad dizzyness and pressure in my head its awful! I am a bit of a worrier - so would like to know if Im not alone!!!

11-01-07, 11:25
hi spike
have you had anxiety for very long?
i know from experience that anxiety can make you feel dizzy(it,s horrible isn,t it!)
perhaps go along and have a chat with your doctor,as you are trying for a baby you don,t want stress to get in the way
take care and i hope all goes well for you
take care
rach x

12-01-07, 11:29
I am pregnant! That must of been the dizzyness anyway! Well I have done two tests that came back positive and am now awaiting the doctors one! so fingers crossed!

12-01-07, 11:31
That's wonderful news. You must be thrilled. The home tests are pretty accurate so the doctor's one will confirm it.

Love Jo xx

12-01-07, 12:27
congratulations - thats great news

linda xx

12-01-07, 13:08
thats wonderful news
rach x

27-01-07, 17:50
Im feeling so awful right now - My dizzyness has come back terribly and Im shivering internally and then sweaty hot at the same time on my palms/feet, and I feel so weak and tired.

I went to the docs and he said I had Labyrinitus viral infection which bascially means Im off balance he said my temp was a little high and my throat a little red.

Because im 7 weeks pregnant Im sure thats not helping as Im feeling sick lately but Im such a worrier about my health and would really appreciate someone putting my mind at rest.

I had a blood test done in Dec as I was suffering from a virus then - it came back as a low white count then the second time a few weeks later it came back normal....

I feel so low as Im fed up of feeling poorly.