View Full Version : Can biting my cheek lead to this?

14-01-15, 19:38
Okay, so I hear that biting your cheek and lips constantly could cause Cancer due to the cells re growing and possibly be cancerous cells regrowing.

Could this happen? I'm 21 and I have been biting my cheek for as long as I can remember. My mother and grandmother all have this habit and its hard to break.

My mouth usually has lesions on the inside of
My cheek because I bite it a lot. I am trying
To quit.

Ontop of that, I smoke like twice a day. If I had these lesions, would it increase my chance of oral cancer? I don't smoke tobacco, but I know smoking anything is bad.

I'm losing it folks. Any in sight?

14-01-15, 19:52
My mother and grandmother all have this habit

I'm assuming neither your mother or your grandmother have had mouth cancer and they'll have been doing this much longer than you! There's your answer...

Quitting smoking is a good plan anyway though :)