View Full Version : Palpitations

14-01-15, 23:31
Hi everyone. I had a scary encounter today. I did casual tending to my animals today bending up and down. After I lent slightly down to wash my hands and felt a trembling and thought it was a washing machine from downstairs flat bit it was me. I got flushed and worried. Everytime I bent over I was shaking in my head and neck and some slightly in legs. It all calmed Dow after a hour. Now when I bend over I get a rapid heart beat. Is this serious ???

Dan Wales
15-01-15, 12:34
I suffer from palpitations it scary but will pass. It could also be due to high blood pressure.

15-01-15, 15:11
Been told my blood pressure is normal. Very scared.

Dan Wales
15-01-15, 16:11
As you were bending down blood could of rushed to your head. It may be anxiety.

15-01-15, 16:24
ok cool

Dan Wales
15-01-15, 16:26
If you ever want to talk about it I am here.

15-01-15, 16:31