View Full Version : floor feels like its different levels!!!

10-01-07, 20:25
i was wondering wether this is down to anxiety or wether any of you have experienced this.
i was sitting down for a while and then got up ,when i was walking across the floor it felt as if it was uneven or at different levels!i freaked out and ever since i,ve got this feeling that something is crawling over my scalp!!!!like little creepy crawlies in my hair!would appreciate any advice
rach x

10-01-07, 20:35
i dont have the answer for why this happens or what it is.but i often get the feeling like im walking on an uneven surface/feels like im air walking.and i sometimes get the feeling that something is crawling around in my head,ive explained this to a doctor and they just looked at me like i was strange so no explanation.but just incase your like me and like to know your not the only one who has it i thought id let you know i get it

10-01-07, 20:37
thanks bambamers for replying its good to know we,re not alone isn,t it!!!
take care and thanks again!
rach x

10-01-07, 20:41
yeah ceecee it is.i dont think its anything to worry about because the first time i had this was about 3 year ago.

id love to feel NORMAL

10-01-07, 20:53
I haven't had the uneven floor thing but definately had the crawling beasty thing! My hubby has to check my hair for lice as I am so convinced I have them! Then my poor daughter gets the bone comb treatment. There was a post here not long ago in a similar vein from someone who found a name for the crawling beasty thing but being inexperienced as I am at posting that on here, I can't tell you what it is!
I will look around, see if I can find it.

"Today is the day before tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day." wisdom of my daughter!

10-01-07, 21:02
yes bambamers i think you have hit the nail on the head(i say that to my husband all the time about wanting to feel normal!)
and happy one thankyou yes it does feel like i,ve got nits!!!!lol
thankyou for taking the time to reply as i,ve just read your post and know that you are going through a really tough time at the mo,my thoughts are with you and there is light at the end of the tunnel(just finding it is the hard part!!!!!!
take care
rach x

10-01-07, 21:05
now I have never posted a link before but I will try it here!


and if that doesn't work.....it is called formification (yes, I know it sounds decidedly dodgy, but it was on a link on this site...honest!)


"Today is the day before tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day." wisdom of my daughter!

10-01-07, 21:08
Waddya know,
it worked!
thank you rach, so much. It always helps knowing there are people thinking of you. This site is a saviour.
Today hasn't been so bad though, so hopefully the light is getting closer eh?

"Today is the day before tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day." wisdom of my daughter!

11-01-07, 11:03
thanks happyone i wish i could do that!!!!!!
glad things are on the up for you hun!
take care
rach x

11-01-07, 11:17
YES - definetly the uneven floor thing

i also get the feeling that although my legs are moving to walk its like they aren't - its so weird

........life is for living not just for surviving

11-01-07, 20:05
thanks darkangel it really does help to know you,re not alone
take care
rach x

12-01-07, 11:19
hi rach

hope u well today

I agree it is reassuring to know we are not alone in this

take care


........life is for living not just for surviving

Ma Larkin
12-01-07, 15:27
Hi ceecee, the uneven walking happened to me in the shower the very first time. I honestly thought there had been an earthquake at the time & I hadn't heard it because of the noise from the shower! It's a really weird sensation & I call it my "Mr. Softie moment" (don't know if you all remember the Mr. Softie adverts!!). It still happens now & again so it's nice to know that I'm not on my own with this one.

Les xx

12-01-07, 15:49
cheers les for the reassurance!it feels really scary for a minute doesn,t it!!!!!
take care
rach x

14-01-07, 03:02
I have this problem too. It only happens every once and a while now, but when it does I have to grab on to something. I used to have it so bad that I had to hold on to the shopping cart at the store even if hubby was pushing it. It's an awful feeling.

15-01-07, 18:35
thanks kimmiepie for replying
i don,t know wether this symptom has anything to do with that time of the month.
i agree it is a really awful feeling!
take care
rach x