View Full Version : falling asleep during the day

15-01-15, 01:40
Hi everyone, every time I sit down, I drop off to sleep.
Yes, I do stay up late, because I have problems with making myself go to bed, but lately I am dropping off 4 or 5 times during the day and sleeping for 10 or 20 minutes.
I have always gone to bed late and have always survived on the less than average quota of sleep, but this is becoming really frustrating. I can't get anything done and sometimes I am actually doing something when this happens. I feel tired all day long, except late at night and I don't know why this is happening?:shrug:

15-01-15, 02:39
I'm having issues like this myself Carnation and it gets worse by far in winter. I don't think it's SAD for me as my sleep pattern is bad and I guess with the medication as well as the fact I get the morning sunlight before I go to bed, I could have other factors.

But I'm interested in what people say on this in case it helps me too.

Marie (SADNoMore) might have some thoughts based on her experience.