View Full Version : Anxiety worse after big meals, worried I have something rare

15-01-15, 02:23
So, I've noticed, and I've noticed this for a long time, that my anxiety is ALWAYS worse after eating. I actually feel pretty okay when I wake up in the morning. It's only after I eat that I start feeling panicky, racy, and foggy. I've gotten countless blood tests done, and all is clear, my fasting blood sugar is usually fine. but after I eat, I still get these symptoms, they come out of the blue, I don't even have to think them into existence, they're just there.

I believe I have Adrenergic postprandial syndrome, or some sort of reactive hypoglycaemia, my bad panic attacks lately have come after eating really carby food (Bag of chips, piece of pizza - both of these times sent me into really bad anxiety attacks a couple hours after eating them)

I don't know what to do, i've tried cutting out carbs before, and I felt a bit better, but its so hard to cut them out completely, and I lose so much weight. I'm already pretty skinny as it is, and losing anymore weight is detrimental to me.

I know this is a pretty rare disorder, but it just fits with my symptoms COMPLETELY. I just know I have this. Does anyone get similar symptoms after eating? Specifically big meals? (tired, racing heart, worse anxiety, brain fog)The only thing I don't get is increased hunger or craving sweets.

I don't know if this will get many replies, because its such a niche thing to worry about, but I can't get it out of mind, I really think I've found what's wrong with me.