View Full Version : Large lump in right side of stomach

15-01-15, 05:15
Hi, I'm really worried as I have had some weird tingling sensations from the right side of my stomach. I pressed deep down and felt a large lump, size of a small apple. I am so scared. I've been feeling unwell lately too. I am scared people will tell me to go to the Dr, but I'm just hoping other people have come across this too as I really need to calm down. I have anxiety at the moment and every second day I think I've got a new cancer of some kind. Please help calm me down!! thanks so much. Lisa

19-01-15, 06:12
Do you have loss of apetite? Do you have a pain in your side that won't go away or your lower flank area? Are you running any fever? Have you noticed any blood in your urine?Di you have heart palpatations, do you sweat a lot..feel nervous out of the blue? How is your blood pressure?headaches? Anemia? Ask your doctor for an ultra sound of that area.

19-01-15, 13:31
Hi Lesyloo, I think it's best to see a doctor. Is there pain etc? None of us are qualified medical professionals so can't advise what you are feeling x