View Full Version : Inositol may help your premature ejaculation.

15-01-15, 08:59
Well I understand this forum is about sharing treatment for all sort of anxiety/depression. But why am I sharing this becos I understand that premature ejaculation is also link to anxiety/depression, or PE can link to anxiety and depression as well....so hopefully this thread can help some of you having this problem which can stop other problem as well.

Note that I do not guarantee this is the cure for everyone as everyone symptoms or root cause is different. but I myself had experienced/benefited prolonged ejaculation after taking inositol(powder form).

Just 3days after taking inositol, 6 grams for 3 times a day I notice that I feel less sensitive while having sex, the worry of coming too soon is still there but you know you just ain't cumming soon, there is no need to control your pelvic or whatsoever. From here I understand how inositol help to desensitize the nerve system and I got one problem resolved, this has been bothering me for years. For the past 3months out of 10 times of sex, i will say only 2/10 I come very soon, which makes a big changes in my life....

I need to let you guys know that I am not smoking currently and I don't take caffeined stuff of all kinds, no drinking and also no other vitamins. This is to make sure we are doing the vitamins on the same platform. Though such, do believe me that I know it comes from inositol....

Hope this help