View Full Version : Does anxiety cause all this

15-01-15, 12:55
Hi just received a call postponing my MRI scan until Monday and its sent me into meltdown. My only symptoms are light headed and a feeling of being off balance. I also suffer from headaches which are down to tension I'm sure. My husband has just lost it with me because I'm convinced I have a brain Tumour. I can't believe that anxiety can cause all these problems. Even the ENT consultant who ordered MRI thinks there's nothing wrong with me and is only doing it because I am private and my hearing is different in one ear (which it has been all my life). Does anyone else have anxiety symptoms like this.

Dan Wales
15-01-15, 13:08
Anxiety can cause all the symptoms you mentioned. I get lightheaded and have headaches. It will pass and remember your not alone here.

15-01-15, 13:16
Has anyone mentioned Benign Vertigo to you?

It causes a spinning, dizzy sensation or being off balance.

It is a big, big possible cuplrit for you, as you mention that you have an ear issue. Inner ear problems cause this. It is totally harmless, just very scary at times. It is easily remedied by simple exercises to rebalance the inner ear.

I have this myself. I had it a few days ago, and this time was very severe. The whole room spinning when I sat up or stood up.

As Dan said though, anxiety can also cause these symptoms, to a lesser degree than you would find with vertigo. It is hard to believe that anxiety can physically disturb as much as it does, but it does. x

15-01-15, 13:46
I have never had the room spinning just the feeling of light headed was and feeling off balance. I did the balance test that they do for acoustic neuroma last week and passed that with flying colors. He never mentioned benign vertigo just ruled out labrynthitis. I am so frightened that it is a brain tumour I am finding it hard to function. My husband is losing his patience and has quite rightly pointed out I would not be getting a scan on the NHS I would just be referred back to GP. Am awaiting CBT and have sertraline but don't like who it made me feel.

---------- Post added at 13:46 ---------- Previous post was at 13:38 ----------

Dan Wales - do you feel off balance too.

15-01-15, 14:01
Dizziness/off balance symptoms are just not the obvious symptoms of a tumour.

I have nursed someone with a BT from the day he was admitted to post-op. His initial symptoms were horrendous. Severe headaches with severe vomiting.

Rationally speaking, your case points more to either your anxiety or an inner ear issue. There doesn't seem to be much to support your BT worry. x

15-01-15, 14:19
Thanks for that. Need to stay away from Dr Google. Have headache at the back of my head but aspirin cures it. Cannot believe anxiety is this powerful.

Dan Wales
15-01-15, 14:20
I have never had the room spinning just the feeling of light headed was and feeling off balance. I did the balance test that they do for acoustic neuroma last week and passed that with flying colors. He never mentioned benign vertigo just ruled out labrynthitis. I am so frightened that it is a brain tumour I am finding it hard to function. My husband is losing his patience and has quite rightly pointed out I would not be getting a scan on the NHS I would just be referred back to GP. Am awaiting CBT and have sertraline but don't like who it made me feel.

---------- Post added at 13:46 ---------- Previous post was at 13:38 ----------

Dan Wales - do you feel off balance too.

I do feel of balance sometimes.

15-01-15, 14:46
I am so frightened. I don't want to leave my children.

15-01-15, 14:48
You are not going to.

This is high anxiety telling you that.

15-01-15, 15:04
I know I think I need to try the sertraline again, I only took half a tablet and didn't like how they made me feel. I was watching the TV this morning and they were saying how rare brain tumours are but I cant get it out of my mind. I have googled the tests they do - stupid I know but can't help it and I can do them all no problem. The thing is my Mum has a benign tumour in her head and it's always on my mind. I am so anxious at the moment I don't know what to do.

15-01-15, 17:52
Benign vertigo can def cause lightheadness and dizziness - I first stated with it a few years ago and during that time have had about 4-5 actual attacks where things were wobbling about. The room wasnt spinning - ive never actually had that - but during an "attack" I feel the ground is moving and my balance is off.

I too have hearing problems in one ear - and have done for about 20 years. I know that if I google certain keywords they will tell me I have a brain tumour. I know this cos I'm an idiot who turns to Dr Google (let's face it you can always get an appointment with him) but I am trying to stop.

Anxiety can cause wooziness and light headedness.. Vertigo is often caused by crystals moving in your ears and it can cause awful dizziness. Ive seen docs whove explained if it was a BT, it would be pretty constant and worsening and accompanied by severe symptoms - worst headaches ever etc.

It's a horrible symptom it really is but please try not to worry....easily said I know.

There are meds you can take for dizziness - theres Prochlorperazine (I found it didn't get on with me at all) or Cinnarizine (I got on fab with that). They dull the feelings of dizziness.

15-01-15, 18:19
I'm suffering from this at the moment. Not worried that it's anything suspicious but god it is horrible. I know it's anxiety as i've been more stressed today and it is worse.

It comes and goes.

I hope it goes off soon :((

15-01-15, 18:43
Thanks both for your replies. I've never had the spinning room just light headed and feeling off balance. The ENT man said it was most unlikely to be a brain tumour with these symptoms and was quite sure the headaches were stress. I've had my eyes tested twice in the past 3 months and the optician never found anything. I have MRI on Monday and then see ENT for results on Thursday. Will see what he says. Am terrified.

15-01-15, 19:27
You'll be okay I wouldn't worry it, it is the worry and stress that is making you feel this way just remember the anxiety isn't harmful. If you had a BT the optometrist would have definitely picked it up no doubts about that especially after 3 tests haha. I had my eyes tested too yesterday as well and all well and good. Eye tests will pick up a variety of neurological conditions as well as high blood pressure and diabetes so rest assured. My aunt sadly passed away due to a BT and she had no symptoms at all apart from a huge seizure, it was the chemo and radiation that caused the most damage so no headaches or sickness symptoms. As you can imagine it is therefore one of my HA fears as well as a brain haemorrhage (which an eye test will also pick up on) due to distortion of the optic disk at the back of your eye due to raised intercranial pressure which is also present because of a BT so really don't worry about it you are fine and healthy just tired exhausted and suffering with anxiety like the rest of us. So all in all relax take a nice bath and watch a movie and you'll be right as rain :) you are definitely not alone and in the right place as you can see from the symptoms page p.s. I'm aware I'm not a doctor however this guy definitely knows what he's talking about with BT and headaches so I would recommend you give this a watch go on YouTube and type in Dr. Len Cerullo, CINN Medical Director and Neurosurgeon and watch his video of BT symptoms, this should put your ind at rest

15-01-15, 19:43
I feel lop sided - I went to the nurse yesterday and she checked my ears said my ear drums were super healthy. She said stress can bring on labyrinthitis so it could be that. It goes away on its own. I also have ringing in my right ear. It is horrible but once you get your head around it not being serious you can at least relax a little bit. I know mine improves if I lay down.

15-01-15, 20:03
Thanks both for your replies and yes I will watch his video on YouTube. I just feel so frightened I want the MRI but I am scared what it will show. The off balance thing is worse when I am walking in the dark. Anxiety is a scary thing.

15-01-15, 20:49
Yeah watch it it's an informative video and really don't worry about the MRI nothing will show up it's just the anxiety making you believe it will. It will be here before you know it then when it's clear you won't be living in anticipation of it and feel much better :

15-01-15, 21:24
Just watched it, very informative and made me feel a little better, thank you. I just want it to be over so I can Move on. I am so scared of leaving my wonderful kids

15-01-15, 21:45
I had the weird off balance, light headed feeling quite bad in the summer & headaches. It was definitely anxiety related for me & I'm sure it is for you to. Hope your ok.

16-01-15, 11:47
Pinky260, did you have any tests. Please tell me your symptoms x

eternally optimistic
16-01-15, 11:54

anxiety is a real bum and can cause numerous symptoms. If you can find it in yourself to see this, assuming it is anxiety, you should be able to move forward.

when I have had iffy times, I am always looking for answers.

stay calm and I wish you well.


16-01-15, 12:00
It's awful. I need it to stop, I need to stop going to Dr Google. He's not medically trained. I just can't get brain tumour out of my head.

eternally optimistic
16-01-15, 12:06
I take it you've been checked for all that.

what support have you got from gp

anxiety can and will take over, given the chance.

I do feel you, it's hard to focus on positive stuff and changes things.

16-01-15, 12:11
I have been to see an ENT consultant as the Dr diagnosed labrynthitis. He established I was slightly deaf in one ear (which I have been for years) and ordered MRI. I'm lucky I have private health or wouldn't be having one as I passed all the balance tests. He said it was 1 in a 1000 risk of BT but that's too low for me. He said my headaches were stress. My GP gave me setraline which I don't like taking and am awaiting CBT. think I'm going to have to get over the side effects and stick with it.

16-01-15, 12:54
Anxiety can cause a damn sight more than that! So absolutely, yes.

eternally optimistic
16-01-15, 12:56
stick with the meds.

I have been on citalopram and changed my life.

had a recent blip but had fab year last year.

side effects were/are horrible But got me relaxed and pretty 'normal' lol

16-01-15, 14:10
I felt light headed almost like a drunk feeling it's hard to describe & felt very headachey. I was worried about my blood pressure & getting stressed over it at the time. The doctor looked in my ears & eyes i think & said its anxiety related & to go back if it didn't settle but as soon as my children finished school for the hols i had no time to fret as was so busy & out & about & i felt 100 times better x
how are you feeling?

16-01-15, 15:41
That's how I feel, lightheaded and sometimes feel like I am walking off balance which I have been reassured I am not. It's worrying me that if I try and exercise my head hurts more but think that is because I am so stressed. Feel really tearful all the time. I am going for MRI on Monday and feel sick with what they will find even though I know I'm only getting one because I have private health. My head feels like it will explode and if I'm in shops or pubs it feels like im having a panic attack. Funnily enough over Christmas when I had been drinking all these feelings disappeared

16-01-15, 16:38
Funnily enough over Christmas when I had been drinking all these feelings disappeared

That should really be proof enough that this is anxiety related then.

You lighten up after a few drinks, hence the feelings disappear. If this was a serious, physical illness, that would not occur.

It is NOT a BT. I would lay money on that fact. You would be far sicker.

Worries like this never leave you, unless the cause is addressed and treated, that being the anxiety. Once this worry is calmed, it will be replaced by another, just like any other anxiety that isn't health related.

I honesty think that it would be far better to just use your private coverage for mental health support if that is an option, rather than scans and such like. x

16-01-15, 17:21
That is exactly the feeling then I would panic & give myself a headache. Only now I can see it though, at the time I was panicing. It really is anxiety. I watched my dad suffer with it for years :( x

---------- Post added at 17:21 ---------- Previous post was at 17:18 ----------

Also one of the mums from school had a benign brain tumour & her symptoms were totally weird, stuff you wouldn't even associate with a BT x

16-01-15, 18:21
I want to reassure you that I've had the EXACT same symptoms for the last 6mths, I've had an MRI which came back clear... it's good that you are getting it checked but I am sure it will be fine. I can also appreciate the not functioning thing, anxiety and worry can take over sometimes. Distraction has helped me greatly, my hubby is fab and looks after my little one when I get into a state of panic, I take myself off and read or try and watch something on tele, I hope you get some peace of mind soon xxx

16-01-15, 18:30
Thank you to you all for your comments. It actually scares me how anxiety manifests itself. I need to give myself a good talking to, hopefully if and when the MRI results are ok I can put this behind me, start on the medication and get on with my life and my beautiful boys. I am starting to think I am having panic attacks when I go shopping by continually thinking how I feel. On the plus side I've not spent any money in the sales. CCB1979 did you feel like you were walking off balance too.

17-01-15, 20:47
Yes exactly like that, mine is more of a rocking sensation, I have every sympathy for you. I feel like my life is not my own anymore, I've got a gorgeous little girl and I feel like I am missing out on life with her :-(
Like I said, really hope you get some reassurance from your MRI and in the meantime hopefully I have given u a little reassurance xxxx

17-01-15, 21:22
You have made me feel a bit better. I've been out with friends tonight, still have the tight head muscles but the light headed and off balance feeling seems to go when I've had a drink and my mind is elsewhere. It's the most awful feeling. Am hoping the mri scan will alleviate my worries. At the moment the thought of it is making me worse.

18-01-15, 16:19
Have the MRI in the morning. Feeling really scared, am so frightened as to what it will show. Don't want to leave my kids. It's my youngest sons birthday next month and feel awful as I haven't given it any consideration at all. Am so scared I have a brain tumour. ������

18-01-15, 16:42
Can relate to everything you have said. I had ENT investigation many years ago, had light headedness and headaches and sinus type discomfort. There was nothing wrong and when he convinced me of that it went away

18-01-15, 17:08
Hi Susie1. I hope I'm the same. Did you feel like you were walking off balance too. That's the thing that is worrying me the most.

21-01-15, 13:06
What you describe is a common anxiety symptom........


21-01-15, 13:25
How did the MRI go?? x

21-01-15, 13:33
These are my main symptoms light headed off balance odd dizzy moments,fuzzy head visual disturbances all anxiety not on meds

21-01-15, 14:08
Julia you could be describing my symptoms, I get the results of the MRI tomorrow, I am sat at work trying to hold it together but am so frightened. I don't want to leave my kids and I am convinced I have a brain tumour.

22-01-15, 00:14
Just curious Para. Is your dizziness persistant or episodic?

22-01-15, 08:50
It's episodic and it's not spinning dizzy it's more light headed.

22-01-15, 10:58
Do you get your results today? Good luck.

22-01-15, 12:14
Good luck for your results!! X

22-01-15, 12:52
Thankyou. Am so scared. X

22-01-15, 21:30
Got my MRI results. All clear, you would not believe the relief I feel. I cannot believe how powerful anxiety is and how it takes over the mind. I am chasing up the CBT tomorrow, I never want to put my family through that again.

24-01-15, 13:54
Glad you got sorted hope you are on the up from here x

26-01-15, 12:55
Thanks everyone, the headaches have gone but the feeling of lopsided is still there, which must be down to anxiety as have had blood tests, MRI and all clear. It hasn't helped that I have developed the cold from hell over the weekend. Am going to try and forget about it for a while, although one interesting thing that has come out of all this is a friend who suggested that I could be perimenopausal. Funnily enough there is an article in the daily mail today and some of it resonates.