View Full Version : Gallstone??

15-01-15, 14:07
Anyone got gallstones or gallbladder problems?

15-01-15, 16:36
I had my gallbladder removed 5 years ago as I had gallstones...

15-01-15, 16:47
I know i have one but my gp keeps saying my symptoms aren't with that.

15-01-15, 17:48
I had an ultrasound and that's where mine showed up. I had hematuria in a routine urine sample (microscopic blood in urine), and so he sent me for the U/S to see what might be causing it. Anyway, they don't like to do surgery unless you have had a couple of bad gallbladder attacks, so, my doc is not at all concerned anyway. You would def know if you had a gallbladder attack, unremitting pain without medical intervention. ... Good luck! :)

15-01-15, 17:48
How do you know? Did you have an ultrasound or some other test to confirm?

My mother had gallstones and ultimately had her gallbladder removed. She had an ultrasound and said that it was very obvious what the problem was so she had her answer very quickly.

In the same regard, I had pains and my mother had me go in for an ultrasound just in case I had the same thing - I didn't, it was just pains because I was under a lot of stress at the time.

There are a lot of other things (harmless things!) that can cause pains to mimic gallstones. Does your doc have any answers as to what your problem can be, if he doesn't suspect gallstones? Did he tell you any way to alleviate pain?

15-01-15, 17:52
He thinks its acid reflux and i am waiting for an endoscopy. Yes i had an ultrasound years ago and a gallstone was found.