View Full Version : Various symptoms ....... Falling apart

15-01-15, 16:31
Hi I'm back again .......scanning the pages of this helpful site looking for reassurance that I am suffering from a major anxiety issue at moment .....

It has all started with a cold and having a cough - along with lots of other people but I then get paranoid about a file my throat and now feel so tensed up and feel I am only taking very shallow breathes and therefore making my chest hurt and my neck and shoulders are really aching ....... I am constantly aware that I don't feel if can breath ...... Making me more tense and cannot get these fears of something terrible wrong out of my head.

I know I have been under lot of stress over past couple of months - partner not had much work which means I am working lots and. It sleeping well - I work in a bar as a manager so have long hours and late nights together with christmas I just feel like I want to give in ......

Does anyone else ever suffer symptoms like this? Please help I need some reassurance before I send myself mad

15-01-15, 17:21
Don't worry - you're not alone. We have all suffered these feelings at some point.

I know I especially suffer with holding my breath/shallow breathing and tensing my neck/shoulders. Maybe you need to slow down a bit and let your body heal itself.