View Full Version : High Platelet Count

15-01-15, 16:45
Hi all

Does anyone know much about high platelet counts? I have donse some research and obviously made my anxiety worse by reading about cancer etc?

Some background. In July 2014 I had a routine blood test which showed a high platelet count. I was put on tgo 75mg Aspirin to help control the elevation. On Tuesday I had another routine blood test and was called by the surgery on Wednesday asking me to collect a letter for a consultation at my main hospital with a haemotologist to review my results as they were very high. Obviously the Aspirin have not worked!

I am due for an appointment on Wednesday 21st at 3pm and am really worried. I have been doing so well lately now I am just sleeping again, pains in chest, dizziness and no appetite. I really think with my family history I have Leukemia or a bad blood disorder.

How should one cope waiting to see someone? I know I should just carry on as normal but I am struggling.


15-01-15, 22:09
If the platelet count was high in July 2014 and 6 months later it is still elevated, I am going to say (with 1000% confidence) that it won't be from a blood cancer.

Cancer isn't so patient. You would be incredibly ill by now if you left blood cancer go untreated for so long.

A more likely cause could be anemia. Treatable and not life threatening.

It could be from an infection. Not all infections make you feel ill. But untreated could be chronic - so my guess is the hematologist will explore this option.

It could be a primary cause - which exists on its own - due to nothing more than your genetics. What's your family history?

Try your best to keep mindful about the almost non existent possibility of leukemia vs a very probable possibility of an infection or other.

How long until your appointment?

---------- Post added at 09:09 ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 ----------

Oh - the 21st. That's not too far :)

16-01-15, 14:01
I am just so worried - it is the not knowing. My original routine FBC was July 2014 and platelet count was high and was repeated this week and still high even with apsirin use. I am seeing a haemotologist on Wednesday and will see what is what.

Family history is Cancer on Mothers side of family and both my parents have had cancer and my Father is in remission for Lymphoma so it does not look good.

16-01-15, 14:20
There are still many other benign options x

And it's great you are being tested regularly based on family history.

16-01-15, 15:01
It's funny. I have been feeling fine for months now and one call from a doctor and I have a headache, blurred vision and feel lethargic and dizzy - too much coincidence for relation to problem so I am guessing anxiety has got hold of me? A person who does not suffer with anxiety will feel anxious about seeing a consultant let alone someone that does I guess.

I suppose I should keep myself busy!

21-01-15, 18:26
Just got back, had my blood test results in 30 minutes and saw the consultant soon after. Red and white blood count was normal but platelets high - no other symptoms and BP was normal 130/90 - advised to stop smoking and lose weight (I am 19 stone!)

Suspecting something called Essential Thrombocythaemia - asked consultant outright if it was cancer and she said I have had a high count for 18 months so something would have happened by now - if platelets do not come down plenty of drugs to make them come down. Just waiting for an ultrasound and xray and then a follow up in 3 months. Could have been worse I suppose.