View Full Version : Fatty Liver is taking over my brain ?

15-01-15, 19:08
I have got my regular blood test done in Dec 14 and my LFT were abnormal.

AST 64
ALT 122

GGTP 30 Normal
ALP 227 High
Albumin 4.67 Normal

Bilirubin Total 1.09 Normal
Bilirubin Direct 0.23 Slightly High
Bilirubin Indirect 0.86 Normal


Cholesterol Total 189 Normal
Triglycerides 141 Normal
HDL 42 Normal
LDL 118.80 Above optimal
VLDL 28.2 Normal

HEP B & C negative

Then i got my Ultrasound reports

liver - mildly enlarged appx 16cms - & homogeneously echogenic s/o fatty infiltration. Intrahepatic biliary radicals are not dilated. No Focal area of alterated echo texture/sol/cyst or abscess noted.
GB - All Normal
Pancreas - All normal
Spleen - Mildly enlarged in size app 13cms - Normal in shape & Echotexture.No focal area of altered echo texture seen. Splenic vein is normal in caliber.no splenic vein collaterals noted at hilum.

Kidneys - All normal
U bladder- All normal
Prostate - All normal
No free fluid seen in abdomen & Pelvis
No Enlarged para-aortic /parailaic lymph nodes seen
No Pl.effusion see IMP- Fatty liver & Mild Splenomegaly

No after all this i am super scared .I am feeling suicidal to get rid of this fear?

Do i have chronic condition or is it something i can change with Diet & Exercise ?
Do i have NASH or Just Fatty Liver?
Mild liver Enlarged and Liver Inflammation is that same thing?
Do i have fibrossis?

I have googled a lot and now i m scared to death>Cant eat ,can't work.Feel like i have lost the battle of my life.

I don't know what to do next coz It bothering me non stop and I am going Crazy.????

15-01-15, 19:25
I also have fatty liver, but I'm also overweight. Blood test showed elevated ALT too, and then doctor ordered ultrasound that confirmed it. Fatty liver can be reversed by losing weight and eating healthy. Have you gone back to your doctor to discuss your result?

15-01-15, 19:34
Yeah i have but i don't know why doctor are not much worried about this and all they said is loose weight take healthy diet and lot of exercise.
According to ultrasound my live is mildly enlarged and so does spleen.

i have done a mistake of google all this and it has pretty much convinced me that i might have fibrosis.

I can't understand how it can happen as i have fit through out my life only been over weight since last 4 years the max .can it develop from fatty liver to NASH to Fibrosis in 4 years ,when i don't take no alcohol .

Very confused and super scared.Feeling live i will die tomorrow.

15-01-15, 19:44
Okay, I know it's scary, I was worried too. Still kinda am but not as much as before. But your doctor isn't worried and you should trust him more than Dr. Google. Do as he said, eat healthy and exercise. I bet next time you do your blood test the level will come down some. Skinny people can have fatty liver too, btw. It's all about your diet.

15-01-15, 19:47
Great ,but can it lead to fibrosis you think in just few years?

15-01-15, 19:49
Despite the intense research I've done on Google, I'm not a doctor so I can't answer your question because I have no idea. BUT. Okay, here's a but. Your doctor didn't say anything about it, he's not worried and I'd think fibrosis would definitely show in your ultrasound. So please don't worry so much! :)

15-01-15, 19:51
I have been trying to concentrate on work but i don't know why my head is keep going back to this .Some times i think i should hv get biopsy to see if fibrosis but its like end less games of test one after other.

---------- Post added at 19:51 ---------- Previous post was at 19:50 ----------

Thanks for your support !!!:)

15-01-15, 19:55
I know why your head keep going back this, because you're worried about your health and that's what everybody does, especially us with HA, so don't feel so bad about that. And you're welcome! I hope you feel better soon.

16-01-15, 18:45
Read somewhere that mild enlarged liver happens with it only when you have cirrhosis