View Full Version : So I guess I have HA?

15-01-15, 22:47
Hi everyone,

Have only just recently joined this forum, with my first post worrying about the potential brain tumour that I seem to have convinced myself that I have.:unsure:

I seem to always think the worse when something is wrong. Lately I've had a bad stomach which I'm sure is simply due to overindulging over Christmas, but I pondered over the fact that I may have colon cancer or pancreatic cancer. I even began worrying about my girlfriend (who I've been with since school which makes it 5 years) and how I didn't want to leave her alone should I pass away. All from a stomach ache!

I guess I've never really accepted that anxiety / health anxiety may really be affecting me. I always seem to see it as one of those "stop being silly" kind of things. Well now I realise it's real. My job is extremely stressful and Im pretty sure its what's causing a lot of these symptons. I've started to realise how stress / anxiety really is real now. I feel stupid for shrugging it off before.

I just can't / haven't yet accepted that this really is what I'm suffering from, I kinda feel a little bit stupid. I really sympathise for everyone else going through the same and apologise for always just dismissing it before.

Anyone have any tips for helping me accepting this is what I am suffering from?

15-01-15, 23:00
I am going through the brain tumor worry right now as well.

It's miserable and most people don't understand but it can manifest in many ways. I have had colon cancer, testicular cancer, heart attack, lymphoma, lung cancer/can't breath anxiety.

It all started when I was 14.

I deal with it by not using dr google. It always sets me into a spiral. Also, find something you really love that is completely mindless. I personally like watching video game shows on youtube... keeps the mind occupied without requiring you do anything but curl up and relax.

After a while you will feel great. Of course that only last for a while but it can get me through the hard patches.

15-01-15, 23:29
It's really important that as you are in the early stage of feeling like you have an issue with HA that you stop it dead in its tracks. You have the chance now whilst it's fresh to rid your mind of these thoughts. Start challenging your thoughts now and you'll find it easier to overcome it. Good luck and stay positive!!!

18-01-15, 16:26
Hi Blue,

I felt exactly the same when my HA began - coincidentally with stomach ache.
The best thing to do is to go and tell your GP your worries, that way they will check out any worries you have and hopefully arrange some CBT or give you info of an online course.
I left it way too long before doing this and really wish I hadn't.

You are okay physically and just suffering from a period of anxiety which can be dealt with - it takes time and effort but as Kat says, best to nip it in the bud.

Feel free to PM me if you want to chat, and we have a thread called 'getting there slowly...' which I think is on page 2 of this forum atm where we don't talk about symptoms but tips of how to beat our anxiety 'dragons' - have a read and feel free to join in
