View Full Version : Thinking its got to be more than Anxiety?

16-01-15, 01:27
The last few days I have been not feeling myself. I have felt on edge/Anxious with that butterfly feeling all over and feeling like im going to faint. Im ok when i first wake up in the morning I feel normal but after a few minutes the Anxiety feelings start. Lately my head has felt fuzzy and i feel ever so light headed. I was in the shop today and my eyes went funny like I was Drunk and the room looked like it was getting dark and my eyes were blurred but i carried on going and eventually it got a little better,

Im fed up of feeling this way everyday. I never feel normal. When im Anxious i check my pulse and it seems faint and that sets me off even more and then i get the feelings of dread and the weird sensations. Its horrible. Ive had ECG it came back ok a few eptopic beats but nothing serious. Ive had blood tests they came back fine. The doctor says its Anxiety but i cant stop worring that its something else. I dont panic to feel like this. There is no reason for me to feel faint, lightheaded all the time and on edge. It may all be in my mind but I just wish i could get rid of it. I cant go back to the doctor now. I get new symptoms too now like spasms in my arms that worrys me also. Does anyone else feel this way?

16-01-15, 04:09
I've had similar symptoms and I too had blood tests and saw a doctor etc but did they check your blood pressure? Sometimes having low blood pressure can cause dizziness and that drunk feeling you explained but the only thing you can do is see a gp to confirm it. Although its very rare for those who suffer with anxiety to have a low blood pressure because the constant stress and worry normally causes a higher blood pressure but you never know! Then again it could be all your anxiety ! Your mind is a very powerful thing! Stay strong

16-01-15, 05:08
Hi Xilvey,

Yes I have my blood pressure checked regulary and its never low. The nurse always says its slightly risen but i think its because im at the doc's having it done.

16-01-15, 05:34
I also had dizziness & a tingling sensation all over my body. Felt as if an electrical current was running through me. I went to ER and had several tests & blood work...all normal. Dr says anxiety...I didn't believe it but decided to research how to naturally treat yourself for anxiety. Best therapy for me is to get my mind off it. Take the dog for a walk, clean the yard or anything that you can focus on & stop focusing on how you're feeling. It's really helped...most days now I get through without any symptoms.
I hope you can get some relief because I know it's very scary!

Mary :)

16-01-15, 05:36
Hi Kelly12.... Gastly isn't it... Just day after day ... I too can wake up and feel fine then its like I 'remember' and it washes over me. Are you on meds at all ? Sometimes I use anti anxiety tablets the old fashioned ativan just to calm my body to give my head a chance to think rationally !! . Take care of yourself. You're doing the best you can.its all any of us can do .xx

16-01-15, 12:40
I reckon (in the nicest possible way) you're all barking up the wrong tree.

Next time you feel like this have a sugary drink NOT a diet drink, a proper sugary drink or a cup of tea with sugar in. Come back and tell me if you feel better and that "drunk/dizzy" feeling goes away in about 20 mins or so.

16-01-15, 22:45
Hi Clement,

Im on propanolol 40mg to be taken 3 times a day. I dont really take them tho...I take one as and when i think i need to but I dont think they work. If i distract myself evenutally it wears off but i feel so drained after.

18-01-15, 12:30
Wow...could have written the original post myself! This is exactly how I felt for seven weeks! In that 7th wk things were bad! I couldn't eat, sleep, calm myself or anything. Doc prescribed cymbalta which I took for two days and felt even more rubbish so I stopped.
I don't know what changed in that time, whether I finally accepted that anxiety is what was happening but I've had almost 2wks symptom free and feeling normal - til this arvo. Chest pain, spasms in arm n neck, noticing I'm breathing fast/shallow etc...and I've absolutely no idea why and feel like I did when it all started...worried, panicky and thinking I'm not sure this is anxiety...this sucks!