View Full Version : pain in heart

10-01-07, 23:36
does anyone get a tight chest and little pains in there heart area and numbness and tingling in their arms.im worried

11-01-07, 08:06
I can't be sure, of course, and if you haven't gotten it checked out by your doctor, maybe you should.
But to me it sounds like tension. If you are very tense, your shoulders under your ears, maybe shallow breathing, this will cause pain in your "heart area". The tension will also cause tingling and numbness in your fingers and hands.
So my money is on tension.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

11-01-07, 08:08
Hi hon,

Yes I am sat here now with tightness/pressure across my chest, feel like its affecting my breathing, can't take a full breath in.
THe funny thing is this only really happens when I 'm on my own thinking about it, yesterday when I was busy at work I didn't think about it. If I was having heart problems wouldn't it be more likely to occur when I'm active?
Even though I know this is probably anxiety related it does'nt make me worry any less.

Love Birdi xxx

11-01-07, 09:04
I get this pain too and it appears quite a common but still a scary anxiety symptom.

You certainly should get this checked with your doctor who may send you for a few tests. However, if you are in good health generally, the more likely cause is anxiety or another less serious condition (with me i have been told it is a mixture of a rib injury and anxiety).

If it was a serious condition, like heart attack, it would have probably happened by now. If it was another heart condition, it would likely be worse with exercise and you would suffer other symptoms.

So try not to worry, get it checked to be 100% and perhaps the doc will address the anxiety cause while you are there.

I know this is tough, but we can all get through this, but it does take time and I've come to realise I need help to address it and will return to the docs myself.

11-01-07, 12:19
Yes i also get this, shooting pain in my heart area, pain under my ribs and pain down my left arm. Spoke to doc about it this morning and she said it didn,t sound heart related but easy enough for her to say. It still worries you sick. I also get tingling in my pinkie.x

sheree ritchie