View Full Version : I'm having a bad morning

16-01-15, 08:22
Guys my HA is crippling me this morning, I woke up quite happy with no anxiety symptoms present, started doing some housework and as was cleaning the hob I felt really lightheaded :( this was only for a couple of seconds then I sat down as it scared me, I'm now thinking stroke heart problems and all sorts and as I'm on my own today I think it's making me feel worse, I usually have my car but Dh needed it this morning and I think this subconsciously is making. Me feel claustrophobic, what do you think happened? Is it anxiety? I've eaten and have drank plenty this morning, I have been a little stressed over the last week, but nothing major. I also went to the docs last week to get my ears checked as they feel full and am having issues breathing from my nose but I have no gunk or anything coming out ( sorry for the TMI)
He said it could be sinus issues but he wasn't sure but was trying to write out a prescription for AB's anyway! but I refused them as he wasn't sure so I didn't think they would be necessary if I haven't got an infection , can the lightheadedness be caused by sinus problems , I'd really appreciate it if someone could respond to me as like I said I'm on my own and feeling a little scared and rubbish thank you !

16-01-15, 08:36
Yep scary... And being on your own doesn't help... Your mind is racing with all the possibilities of what it could be. Sounds very anxiety driven to me. It just pops up from nowhere...shat do you normally do when you feel like this? Can you ring anyone so you don't feel so alone... Hang in there. It will pass ...big hugs xx

16-01-15, 08:47
Thank you Clement for replying, I usually can speak with my husband but he's in a meeting I couldn't call him and no one else really, I kind of dont talk to anyone about my anxiety I'm quite private ( it doesn't help I know)..that's why I'm so grateful in finding this forum !!
I'm going to take the dog for a walk it might help to get some fresh air
Thank you again I really appreciate it :))

16-01-15, 09:09
Yes I know it !! I don't talk about it either. Hold down a great job and out and about in the world. I think I would be laughed out the room if I told friends I suffer from crippling anxiety! Last night had a massive panic attack. Haven't had one for ages but this was a beaut. Feel better today , I think its always a surprise to fine myself alive the next day and not laid up in hospital post heart attack or stroke.!!
Enjoy your walk. Animals are great settlers of the emotions.
Lots of love x

16-01-15, 09:14
I'm having a bad morning too, I woke up about an hour ago and it feels like I'm talking with only with the left side of my tongue, my muscles and nerves in the face seem the same as they have always been, my speech isn't slurred so I think I am using my whole tongue, it just feels weird and has got me very shaken up making me think I've had a stoke or I have tongue atrophy

16-01-15, 10:04
yes animals are very therapeutic and so is nature feel a tad better after my stroll clement x
It's just crippling isnt it ? and trying to tell people who are non HA sufferers well forget it, they tend to panic and make you feel worse, but deep down you know it's just Anxiety right! Lets hope we feel a little better as the day goes on, with fabulous support on here from people who really do understand does make the symptoms lessen, I think anyway...
Thank you for the hugs Rainbow girl, likewise to us all ;)

16-01-15, 10:28
Yeah it's just awful being constantly worried about your health. I'm only 18 and its crippling constantly focussing on my health like this. I'd love to just go to a neurologist and have some blood work done for the first time in my life to settle me down, but my GP doesn't think my problems are anything serious.

It exhaust me day to day, I've got a counselling session on the 27th which was the only appointment available and I booked it a month ago. Just tires me out everyday focussing on twitches, checking that my body can still perform the actions it could the day before. Midway through my lunch yesterday some food got stuck in my throat, I could still breath but it took a few swallows to get down, and since then every time I eat it takes 2 swallows to get through anything. It's awful and really getting me down.

Hope you are feeling better soon, all the best.

16-01-15, 19:55
I too used to have the same sensation when eating that used to scare but it does pass when you learn to relax in fact I think I was around your age when I first started getting these weird symptoms, I have a son of 18 so that was a long time ago, and great news about counselling it all helps honey good luck to you to try to get it sorted and under control now as your still very young and you need to be enjoying life not being imprisoned by Anxiety