View Full Version : help with fluxotine

16-01-15, 12:34
Hi all, im new to this site! I'm on day 5 of fluxotine and the anxiety I had before are magnified! I see from here that's normal... my anxiety are when I get close to people I panic ( fear I guess) now after taking these pills I'm worse like I will never be happy again and need to run away..... anyone else had this my poor bf is amazing but this must be tough on him too! ��
thanks I appreciate and help and advise

16-01-15, 14:15
The first week I had on this was similar, everything got worse. Second week I started to notice I could stand still.. Which is a first for me! Heading toward the end of week 3 now and I feel.. I dunno. Some anxious days some good days some Blergh days. Hoping fpr more of the good days! Luckily the good days let you see there is light at the end of the tunnel :)

16-01-15, 19:34
These made me 100 times worse. My doctor changed me.

16-01-15, 20:52
Ive been on these three days now. Already feeling a bit weird.

16-01-15, 21:03
My first 2-3 days I felt somewhat depersonalised and sort of...foggy. That passed eventually though :)

16-01-15, 21:04
Hi shells_bells; welcome to the site, plenty of lovely helpful people here, always willing to help.
Its early days for you, give it time & things can improve.
You might hear people talk about "one step at a time"? And this applies now. It can be a few weeks (or just 2 weeks in my case) before fluoxetine works. Varies from person to person. It is not all bad.....the drug works for me, very well in fact.
You will have happier times, believe me. Yes, there is work to be done & your mood & emotions will be up & down but you can (& I believe WILL) improve.
What you say sounds familiar to me. Do you know, not so long ago I was very uncomfortable being close to people but I had only been thinking the last few days how things have improved for me.
I relate to your instinct to run away. I often felt that way. Though I am able to feel comfortable in situations tat would have freaked me before.
In addition to the fluoxetine, has your doctor given you any advice to help you cope? Such as suggesting a talking therapy, or counselling perhaps?
Please don't feel that the drug is all bad, there are always more bad stories than positive but that's the nature if the way these things work. I am not the only person for whom this medication works. It's just that sometimes people don't shout it from the rooftops. Probably coz they are busy living a happy life, eh?
Anyway, let me know how things re going and I'll see if I can help you feel better about all this.

16-01-15, 21:29
Hi, Tessar is right, it is one step at a time, it does take longer for some than others and it can be a bumpy ride, if you can stick with it although it can be very hard, it is worth it in the end and has been fantastic for me once it started to work at five and half weeks, I did not have an easy ride but don.t let that put you off, it just takes time for it to work on your system and everyone is different, there is a lot of help here if you need it.
