View Full Version : New and depressed

16-01-15, 13:13
Hi all I'm new to this site,
I have been dignosed with depression and anxiety and put on 20 mg fluoxetine on day 6 and feeling no better if not worse the anxiety I was having before is now worse....
wish I could be happy again for me and my bf at the moment I just want to run as I can't see me ever being happy again

16-01-15, 13:19
Hiya shells_bells and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

16-01-15, 13:46
Hi there and welcome

Give your meds time to kick in and your body to adjust to them, 6 days is a bit too soon to expect results. The meds are given to you to use as a 'tool' to help you cope, the rest is up to you. It's a slow bumpy road to recovery and you're taking you first steps, but you will get there.

Good luck and take care

16-01-15, 13:52
Thank you, I know it's soon but I feel I'm getting worse everything is so negative whereas normally I'm a positive person..... I feel like I'll never be happy again....
Sorry to be so down hopefully these will kick in and I can be happy again and enjoy life

16-01-15, 20:38
Anxiety is telling you this, putting irrational thoughts in your head, making you feel hopeless and the more you feel like this, the more the anxiety is fed. It's a horrible vicious circle.

When I was at my worst I saw conspiracies around every corner. Nightmares, that bad I was frightened to sleep. Dreading bed time.

Don't apologise for being down, it's natural at the moment and it's scary, not knowing when or if you'll recover, but believe in yourself that you will.

17-01-15, 13:13
hey, sounds pretty rough right now. im also not in a good place right now and looking at starting meds possibly soon. i hope they kick in to helping soon but in the meantime keep talking (and talking on here too) and try and remind yourself as jimsmrs says that the negative thoughts is the depression talking and there are plenty if others out there experiencing similar and getting better too.... well thats what i keep trying to tell myself any way!

17-01-15, 14:00
Welcome and I hope you find this site supportive.

Are you also in therapy? Just being on medication sometimes is not enough. Therapy can help people change their thinking patterns to help you break out of the cycle. I'm also a normally optimistic person who is now depressed! Feels ironic and just 'wrong'.

22-01-15, 09:11
Hi I've been on flux for about 3 year's and they do take time to have any effect anything from 3 weeks to 3 month's . Don't give up on them even through the varying side effects that people encounter