View Full Version : slow heart rate after taking propanolol? scared?

16-01-15, 16:30
My heart rate is usually about 85 sitting and jumps to 125 when standing.

I got diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachy (basically just means my heart beats abnormally fast when I stand up and I faint because of it.)

I've been taking propanolol (40mg x 2 a day) for 2 years to stop the fainting. Usually after taking it my hr is about 70 sitting.

But today my heart rate is like 48-55 bpm. That's really unusual for me and I'm scared somethings wrong with my heart.

The only difference is today I haven't eaten much and could that slow my heart down? I'm just worried and thinking about coming off propanolol now. It makes my heart drop to the 50's and I'm not super healthy so I don't think that's normal?

Usually 40mg makes little difference. But today 40mg seems to have dramatically dropped it?

16-01-15, 20:21
I'd rather have a resting heart rate of 50 than 85 in all honesty. Eat something and I'm pretty sure it will increase anyway. Unless you're feeling extremely fatigued or fainting I wouldn't worry too much.

Definitely call or see your GP whenever you can though, just to be sure.