View Full Version : Swishing in ears

16-01-15, 18:26
Ok so I've been doing really really good lately with my health anxiety so I'm trying not to let this one get to me but unfortunately I googled so now I'm panicking a little. For a few months now I've been hearing swishing in my left ear especially once in awhile in my right and it goes with my heart beat. It happens at least twice a day. It seems to happen a lot with certain positions also. It can be when I just sit down, when I stand up, when I strain my neck a certain way, when my anxiety goes up, or when I lie down. I googled and it talked all about how it can have something to do with the blood vessels not being right and of course now I'm afraid of a stroke or aneurysm. I have gone to the docs a few weeks ago over head and ear pressure and mentioned this but he didn't say anything other then if it doesn't get better soon call him and he'll refer me to a ent. It also causes my ear to ache. Has anyone else ever dealt with this? Trying not to freak out too much!