View Full Version : Excited to try Inositol

16-01-15, 19:07
I just bought some Inositol powder and am excited to start trying it to see if it helps. I'm getting through my anxiety slowly but surely but feel like this could be something which will benefit me in more ways than just the anxiety.

A friend of mine has been using it to help her conceive (she has had trouble due to polycystic ovaries, which I also have) and managed to get pregnant - she swears it's because of it.

Have heard so many great things about it, I can't wait to see if it benefits me.

Anyone else had any good experiences? Especially women who have had some ovarian issues (big ask I know but worth a try!)


16-01-15, 22:06
There's an old has about this with some advice & views on:


DMW is right and you have to build up as it can cause diarrhoea.

There are some interesting clinical studies showing it can work for GAD, OCD & social anxiety disorder.

19-01-15, 15:17
I did buy 100% pure inositol powder. My friend says she started on 4g, I know the rec. dosage for depression is higher but I will gradually increase as she said she felt a difference from 4. (I know we are all different, though.)

Still waiting for it to be delivered!

19-01-15, 23:15
I did some reading on it after noticing the previous post about it and that makes sense as others were saying around 6g was helping them.

If you go to the really high doses then I would suggest reading the studies in more detail to see how they combated the diohorrea issue.

02-08-15, 13:34
I'm new here, but wanted to respond about the Inositol for anxiety.
I started yesterday for the first time taking it. I know the therapeutic dose in studies is 18 g. I only had the capsules (next time I'm out, getting the powder), and mixed it in water throughout the day to a total of 16 g.
Yes, I know you are supposed to work up to this, but I had read other testimonials of people drinking that much in one day. The main side effect was diahrea, hence you need to build up to that amount.

I did not feel any change from my persisting dooming dread anxiety until around 5 pm. But I tend to calm down as the day is closing down.

However, when I awoke this morning I feel good, relaxed, no speeding intrusive thoughts. I also took folate to potentiate the effects.

Now, I'm not sure if the Inositol or what, so I'm going to repeat it again today. And report back.

16-09-15, 10:59
Keeping calm can you update us on how you feel on Inositol if you are still taking it. Tks

28-09-15, 13:18
I have some capsules but never took them, too scared too with my medications