View Full Version : Taking days to overcome jolt into anxiety

17-01-15, 11:26
I had a scare the other morning driving to work in icy conditions, I almost collided with another car and then got totally stuck on a patch of ice cos my tyres just kept spinning. I've been really anxious since, waking with a jolt of anxiety and feeling nervous all day and am struggling to calm myself. Does anyone have any tips on how to get through this phase quicker?

17-01-15, 14:37
I can still get moments were my anxiety appears. It's usually attached to memories now. For me, I'm unnerved by it until I can literally forget it. Knowing that, my goal is always to let go of it and forget it as quickly as I can by throwing myself into everything else going on in my life. Your mind can only hold onto it for so long if you are doing so much other stuff.

If the memory of the anxiety pops into my head at anytime during that process I break it up and put my focus on something else before it has a chance to occupy my mind and change my mood again. At no point do I spend even a second thinking about it.

Eventually I realise i forgot. When you forget you allow your mood to return to normal and linked to whatever you are doing/thinking about.