View Full Version : Swollen lymphnodes after insect bites panic setting in

17-01-15, 11:33
Hi All

So today is a new day and as a result a new panic, I have IBD and on medication which will no doubt suppress my immune systems ability but it doesn't stop me from panicking. On Monday night I was bitten by so wing, it bit me three times of the back of my neck and scalp, they have been really itchy but I have tried to not scratch them. Last night I was alone and so was on edge and had a very restless night. This morning when I did wake up I noticed a swollen lymph node on my neck very close to the insect bite. I a, so paranoid I have lymphoma anyway as I'm always short of breath, have red blood spots all over my body and I have had two swollen lymph nodes above my collar bone since having the flu jab in November.

I am so frightened right now and I don't want to have a trip to a and e over a couple of insect bites but I'm convinced the doctors are missing something.

Please can anyone out there help me

17-01-15, 13:20
I'm really sorry you're feeling like this. You know insect bites can make nodes swell up. You are also anxious so it can cause shortness of breath, if you had a tumor or something in your chest you would have known, you would have dry coughs as well. Just see a doctor again, maybe request another blood test but try not to worry.

17-01-15, 13:53
Hi Laura hope you are OK. (besides this).

Do you feel generally unwell? If not, don't worry.

See your Doctor about the blood spots?

I'm sure you will be OK. It's nothing serious, you're still here, breathing, and doing OK. Try to do something to take your mind of it.

Remember, you will always assume the doctors are missing something, but they didn't miss your IBD, did they? If they think there is cause for concern they will not miss it. Plus they have ''cured'' you of other things in the past, right? Don't worry, That's just our paranoia talking. xx

17-01-15, 19:04
Thank you to you both for responding.

I didn't realise insect bites could cause your lymph nodes to swell this much but I guess if my immune system is depleted due to my IBD and HA I guess a simple insect bite can be a big deal, well it is to me right now.

The red blood spots and been checked by so many doctors and non of them seem to worry at all, they are not worried about the lymph node above my collar bone either.

I just want to get off this vicious circle.

I have no dry cough but I do always wake with a sore throat but think this could be my acid reflux. I had bloods taken on Friday so hoping results will be in on Monday, I'm also due to see my doctor on Monday I have to tell her I couldn't take the Prozac, too anxious too. I want to fix this myself without the need for medication that will simply suppress it for a short period of time