View Full Version : actual anxiety feeling a bit better... but loads of symptoms worrying me!

17-01-15, 12:56
Hi everyone

Had a bad week HA wise, but the last few days haven't been so bad....

...However, I have been getting blood on the tissue on and off when I blow my nose. I saw a Dr about this two weeks ago and she didn't seem concerned at all and said it was likely to be due to the cold weather mixed with central heating as my sinuses felt very dry and sore.

I am worried though cause I am still getting it and also one of my ears feels sort of blocked. I also have sore/swollen glands in my neck. I had Eustachian tube dysfunction before Christmas.

I know the most likely explanation is a have a bit of an infection or something but my fears are:

ear cancer
sinus cancer

Really trying to 'acknowledge' these unwanted thoughts of cancer and illness, then 'move on' as my therapist is helping me to do and it is definitely getting easier to do this, but I am still worrying.

I know it would be very unlikely that I have cancer but I am still so obsessed with it and scared :( my boyfriend is out at work at the moment and won't be back 'til late and I just hate being left alone with my thoughts!

I am also worried cause I had blood tests last week (for rheumatoid arthritis) and a smear test so anxiety of tests/results is rearing its ugly head again...

Feeling less worried about my boyfriend now cause he had a massive infection in his leg before Christmas but it has finally healed now, he has to have more blood tests in about 3 weeks for his thyroid so I am trying to stay calm about that.

I have a bit of a headache too, my head/ear on the left side just feels weird, really scared something is up but too scared to see a dr - anyone ever get that? I can't go into the drs surgery without shaking, crying and often having a full blown panic attack at the moment. Was very brave for my smear though so at least that's sommat.

Sorry to go on anyway, just needed to offload!

If anyone can offer some advice and support please it would be very much appreciated.

(sorry for the essay...)

Snowflake xxx

17-01-15, 13:27
You are not alone you need to remind this to yourself over and over, this can make you feel like this is the actual illness itself. I'm trying to remind this to myself over and over.

I didn't even know that ear cancer exists. I wouldn't even worried about sinus cancer as it's very rare and you need to be exposed to certain chemicals for years for that. Why do you even have lymphoma fears? Do you have any symptoms?

I'm scared of lymphoma and Als at the moment. Seen 2 doctors about lymphoma and my Als fear started yesterday as I feel I have muscle weakness, my arms are weak, especially my right arm and I'm clumsy. I tried to remind myself that almost everyone with HA has had Als fear at some point.

I know being alone is so difficult but we need to learn how to distract ourselves when we're alone. Maybe have a relaxing bath and watch some comedy films?

17-01-15, 13:48

Just want to reassure you - I'm having a similar issue. There is a virus going round at the moment which is flu-like and nasty as hell. It affects the sinuses and comes and goes for months in some people - you can feel OK and then you can feel terrible again.

I too was worried that it was all from anxiety (which some of it, like muscle tension etc could well be) but then my whole family came down with the same symptoms and it put my mind at rest (not happy that they are sick, though!)

So, sometimes, you really might have a cold, flu, virus, especially at this time of year.

I was in the queue in boots yesterday and literally everyone was coughing, sneezing, complaining about illness. It's horrible. So really, put all the serious causes out of your mind. Just relax and try to sleep as much as you can so your body can repair.

17-01-15, 13:52
Thanks Popejoan :) Sorry you are still having your lymphoma fears :( I have been very tired and achy recently and have swollen glands. I haven't really had any other symptoms though. I don't know what ALS is, have heard of it though. Sorry you have all this worry going on hun, you know I understand *hugs* its rubbish isn't it having all this going on?

I am also stressing over a bumpy dry bit on my head I have had for yeeeeaaaars (like about 15 years lol) had 2 different doctors look at it years and years ago cause it sometimes crusts over a bit and the hair grows out of it darker and thicker than on the rest of my head. I used to pick at it CONSTANTLY which made it worse and its not so bad now I left it alone, just scar tissue. I worry though that by constantly picking it over years it has already or one day will turn cancerous! I get in such a state over I sometimes but have to remind myself that doctors have looked at it.

I am ordering some nice new fitness gear online as I am gonna start going to the gym/yoga class again next week! Have my holiday in 3 months and really want to feel healthy and strong before I go so gonna focus on that when I am feeling down.

It is terrible being alone, I know you understand hun thank you. I am deffo gonna have a nice hot bath later - gonna do all the housework too get that out the way


---------- Post added at 13:52 ---------- Previous post was at 13:49 ----------


Just want to reassure you - I'm having a similar issue. There is a virus going round at the moment which is flu-like and nasty as hell. It affects the sinuses and comes and goes for months in some people - you can feel OK and then you can feel terrible again.

I too was worried that it was all from anxiety (which some of it, like muscle tension etc could well be) but then my whole family came down with the same symptoms and it put my mind at rest (not happy that they are sick, though!)

So, sometimes, you really might have a cold, flu, virus, especially at this time of year.

I was in the queue in boots yesterday and literally everyone was coughing, sneezing, complaining about illness. It's horrible. So really, put all the serious causes out of your mind. Just relax and try to sleep as much as you can so your body can repair.

Thanks Katki xx

There is a lot going round yes, my sinuses were a bit funny before Christmas, bloody snot (sorry tmi) and horrible smelling too - like sulphur! Was deffo some sort of infection going on there, think its just my body trying to filter out all the rubbish and germs.

I have not had a healthy week either, have gorged on all manner of rubbish food and had a lot of meals out and lots of booze. I normally drink very moderately and eat a very healthy diet but this week I have gone mad with 'treats' and done zero exercise :(


17-01-15, 14:19
You answered your own question there then!! You know you haven't been feeling great and treating your body the best you could - it's frustrating that deep down we all know we are fine and it's nothing major - yet we can't trust ourselves to believe it!!


17-01-15, 14:54
You answered your own question there then!! You know you haven't been feeling great and treating your body the best you could - it's frustrating that deep down we all know we are fine and it's nothing major - yet we can't trust ourselves to believe it!!


That is definitely it Katki - I have really not looked after myself at all this week... been all over the place with my emotions and finally starting to feel better anxiety wise, but cause I have been unhealthy I physically feel rubbish so not feeling great. Feel much more relaxed and assured after posting all this and the replies I have got. Its so hard to shake this feeling though xx

17-01-15, 15:22
I Just want to say that I can see a difference in your post from just a few short weeks ago. Yes, there's some worry but at the same time a rationality that wasn't there. You're beginning to reassure yourself. Good job!

So while you're still have some blips, you're also making progress :)

Positive thoughts

17-01-15, 15:28
I Just want to say that I can see a difference in your post from just a few short weeks ago. Yes, there's some worry but at the same time a rationality that wasn't there. You're beginning to reassure yourself. Good job!

So while you're still have some blips, you're also making progress :)

Positive thoughts

Thank you Fishmanpa, it is really encouraging to hear that you have seen a difference :) I do feel like I am coming through it all and my boyfriend said he can notice a difference too. I am determined to get over it but I know there will be a few blips along the way. It's just so hard to 'accept' sometimes you know? I get confused over whether it is HA or whether I am actually suffering with some terrible physical illness. It is exhausting but I definitely can feel myself beating it! :yesyes:

17-01-15, 22:11
It's so important to look after yourself - it's OK to be selfish sometimes, if it's for the right reasons. I've turned into a health nut yoga hippy recently but it's actually helping me! I've been reading some books on mindfullness, if you are starting to feel less anxious it might be a good time to read something like this... it can help you to open your mind up and give you some great tips on how to maintain a more open minded and positive attitude.(you might already be doing this - if not give it a try!)


18-01-15, 10:04
It's so important to look after yourself - it's OK to be selfish sometimes, if it's for the right reasons. I've turned into a health nut yoga hippy recently but it's actually helping me! I've been reading some books on mindfullness, if you are starting to feel less anxious it might be a good time to read something like this... it can help you to open your mind up and give you some great tips on how to maintain a more open minded and positive attitude.(you might already be doing this - if not give it a try!)


Thanks Katki :) I did start doing yoga some time ago but stopped, during several classes I felt like I was going to pass out? I think it was cause I was over breathing? Anyway I associate it with passing out now so not sure I can pick it up again :( might have a go in the future though. I really like swimming and walking and both those things really help me.

Eating well is important too, when I eat well I feel better :)

Definitely need to try reading some stuff... I am also thinking of having a go at some online relaxation videos xx

18-01-15, 21:09
I think sometimes when a tense body starts to relax it can freak us out almost as much as the tension did when we first experienced it - it's such a rare feeling it takes us by suprise and can make us feel almost ''too'' relaxed!! I sometimes feel that way.