View Full Version : vulva cancer

17-01-15, 16:17
I have managed to convince myself that I have.vulvar cancer and I feel so anxious
I have had itchiness since last August and assumed it was thrush but have not responded to any remedies including a prescribed anti fungal tablet.
On top of this since October I have had one day of bleeding a week before my period. I assumed this was an ovulation bleed which I read about but now I am not so sure. I have also got pigmentation which I have had for years but I read that vulva cancer can give you lighter skin patches..
I feel all 3 symptoms together must mean something is seriously wrong.. I have had abnormal cervical cells before so I imagine I am HPV infected which adds to my worry.
I have made a doctor's appointment but until then I am racked with worry. Has anyone else had these symptoms? Does anyone have any words to help calm me? Many thanks

17-01-15, 20:43
Hi Ellie

Sorry to hear you have this fear, I had the exact fear in the week - look at my post if you can as it may help put your mind at rest :)

Vulvar cancer is incredibly rare and there are loads of other causes for itching down there - I get terrible itching and soreness from things like bubble bath, shower gel, tight clothes and even sex lol.

I know what it is like when the fear sets in, my health anxiety has been terrible lately but I am coming out of a bad patch now and feeling a little better. Try not to worry too much if you can, all sorts of things can cause the itching.

As for the bleeding again, there are loads of causes for this - it doesn't mean you have cancer. I know what that fear is like though, I am obsessed with it.

With the pigmentation again it doesn't mean you have cancer, the skin on my bits is very very dark and I was worried but it is normal. Some people have lighter/darker skin down there and a bit of variation is normal too. If you have had the pigmentation for a long time I really wouldn't worry hun. I had a really dark brown, almost black mole down there too and was in such a panic, but I saw the Dr and she said its all normal.

If it makes you feel better see your Dr to put your mind at rest, but I can assure you - itching down there is incredibly common - I suffer with it really badly, soreness too and often I think the worst.

Let me know how you get on hun, here if you need someone to talk to x

18-01-15, 19:12

I am the same... I had a bout of what I thought was thrush. I also have a history of recurrent hpv infection. My gp was pretty rubbish, didn't even look. Anyway went to the local sexuality health and was referred to the vulval clinic by them. Bottom line... I'm allergic to the creams and pessaries. Apparently it's very common and causes itching and discharge. Stopped them for a week and it went.

20-01-15, 19:53
Thank you so much for your replies, they are very reassuring.
It is so hard to think rationally when there are 3 symptoms haha but must tackle each one.
I read through your related post snowflake and relate to where you said something about perhaps it itches more when we are really anxious because we are hyperviligant to ANY sensations when particularly anxious.
I will do some meditating and get an early night and see if it is any better tomorrow!
I wonder if there will ever be a day without something to worry about...!
thanks again xxx

21-01-15, 15:24
Seriously you will be ok, I know how you feel though and what you are going through.

I had a bad UTI an thrush just before xmas and it took me about a month for things to feel 'normal' down there.

Avoid bubble bath like the plague and only wash down there with water. Really helps.

Hope you feel better soon hun x

21-01-15, 15:46
I have been having bleeding between periods for a year now, along with some other symptoms, (you can find in my recent thread about cervical cancer I posted here), and actually I also have and itchy and thick-feeling vagina too! Although for me, I feel sure that that is actually thrush, but I am sure that I have cervical cancer on top of that.

24-01-15, 12:47
I have noticed a lot of other ladies on here posting about bleeding between periods. When we are worrying over health and the dreaded c word, we often jump to the worst case scenario when we see blood between a period - seriously though there are so many other causes for this, the chances of it being cancer are very very unlikely given that there are so many other causes. I get myself worked up as I have a Mirena coil which has pretty much stopped my periods (give or take the odd one) so when I bleed I do worry.

If you have regular smear tests any abnormal cells or changes are picked up on. I just had my 3 year smear and it came back normal so I am not going to worry about cervical cancer now, just going to put it out my head.

Hope your symptoms get better, thrush is just evil! I had it so bad around Christmas, was so glad when it finally went!


09-02-15, 17:53
Thanks for all your help.. It is so difficult to ignore the voice that says it is cancer. It feels very real. But must remember everything I learnt In Cbt. I have a headache today so in my mind the cancer is already in my brain :(
I think I will just book a doc appointment for piece of mind Even though they will think I am wasting the if time! Oh the joy of HA