View Full Version : Update on my son

17-01-15, 16:24
Hello Everyone I hope you're all doing well. My son is doing as well as can be expected. So far he has the most curable kind of leukemia. He is already feeling better,walking without pain and playing. This is the most terrifying and painful experience of my life.however, it is taught me that life is unexpected. All my years of worrying did not stop this from happening. Looking back I think that somehow I believed that worrying about things would make them not happen. Now that I am faced with the worst case scenario I am in survival mode. I want you to know that when the diagnosis comes it's not as scary as you think.I was glad to know why my son has been sick for over a month. We have a plan of attack. The fear is overcome with hope. Am
I scared? Yes. Do I think about the worst possible outcome? Yes. But I know we are doing all that we can. We don't have control over this life. We do have control over how we live. I want you all to know that disease is not the end of the world. There is always hope. What's important is how we live our lives. If we live in fear we don't live. Enjoy each day live in the present and tomorrow is not promised to anyone. What matters is love what matters is hope.

17-01-15, 16:26
Glad to hear your son is getting better stay strong xx

17-01-15, 16:52
An inspiring post.

Hope your son gets on the mend real soon xx

17-01-15, 17:09
Hello RoseEve, so sorry to hear that your worries came true but I'm glad your son is doing well and have a curable form of leukemia. I just wanted to wish you all the best and wanted to let you know that whenever you feel overwhelmed and alone in this, people on this website or at least I am here to help you.

Hope the treatment goes well, stay strong, sending lots of love and hugs xx

17-01-15, 17:24

I'm so glad he's doing well and thankyou posting at such a difficult time. So often it's so easy when things are either fine or very difficult not to make the time. Your post is inspiring and q wish your family all the best in the coming weeks

17-01-15, 17:40
Thank you so much for your update. It is very true what you write about life. So true.
I hope your son will recover as fast as possible!

17-01-15, 18:59
Best wishes to your son and I will be thinking of you and your family. As popejoan said if your ever feeling the need to talk come on here and we will all support you.

Love and hugs xx

17-01-15, 19:52
Love to you and your son. Your strength in finding a positive in this is inspirational!

17-01-15, 19:58
Best wishes to your son and you RoseEve xx

17-01-15, 20:17
You're doing great and you'll continue to do so. You'll find strength you didn't know you had and it will carry you and your family through this trial. I'm quoting you as this statement shows a wisdom and resolve that all here on the boards need to take to heart. It also shows how far you've come in just a short amount of time....

"We don't have control over this life. We do have control over how we live. I want you all to know that disease is not the end of the world. There is always hope. What's important is how we live our lives. If we live in fear we don't live. Enjoy each day live in the present and tomorrow is not promised to anyone. What matters is love what matters is hope."

"Life is 10% what happens to us, 90% how we handle it" Charles Swindoll

Positive thoughts

17-01-15, 21:48
Glad to hear he is doing ok at the moment, thats really inspiring what you wrote and amazing considering what you're going through.

Hope things continue to go well :hugs:

17-01-15, 22:04
Stay strong and well done rose eve:hugs: Lucia

17-01-15, 22:26
Its great to hear things are going well RoseEve.

It must be such a relief to see him happy again.

17-01-15, 22:49
RoseEve you were faced with the unthinkable omg you faced it front on ,you are an inspiration to people ,you have stayed focused and positive .and as a mum myself we have to but god its hard keep doing what your doing your doing fantastic xxxx

Wishing you and your son the best he is so brave bless him xxxx :hugs:

18-01-15, 02:49
You're an inspirational woman and your son sounds like he is one tough cookie xx

Your words are so so true. While health anxiety has your attention you aren't living.

Thank you for the update. I've been praying for your baby. Keep us posted

18-01-15, 12:28
RoseEve, thank you for your words of encouragement. As a Mom, if I'm ever faced with a similar struggle, I hope to find the same strength you've found.

You're doing great and you'll continue to do so. You'll find strength you didn't know you had and it will carry you and your family through this trial. I'm quoting you as this statement shows a wisdom and resolve that all here on the boards need to take to heart. It also shows how far you've come in just a short amount of time....

"We don't have control over this life. We do have control over how we live. I want you all to know that disease is not the end of the world. There is always hope. What's important is how we live our lives. If we live in fear we don't live. Enjoy each day live in the present and tomorrow is not promised to anyone. What matters is love what matters is hope."

"Life is 10% what happens to us, 90% how we handle it" Charles Swindoll

Positive thoughts
Good thoughts, Fishmanpa.

18-01-15, 12:44
Rose eve I have just caught up with your thread and really sorry to hear that your little boy is so poorly. It sounds like he is getting the best care and treatment and I wish him a speedy recovery. It s amazing how we find the strength to cope when we have to. Sending hugs for you and Thomas :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: