View Full Version : Here I am again :-(

17-01-15, 20:12
I posted on here last year when I had severe MS worries. They are back :-(

This started with the biggest migraine ive ever had which started in my eye, spread all over my head and lasted monday until Thursday and came back last night. However, last night it came back in the form of my right side going completely numb. I phoned nhs direct who advised me to go to a&e. Long story short, had bloods, urine test, ecg and all fine.

They were originally worried about stroke symptoms but dismissed that due to age and symptoms. The numbness was in my face, arm, leg, foot and toes. It lasted 3-4 hours and this morning had gone. The Dr did lots of neuro examinations and he said that the migraine I had had caused the numbness down my limbs and that he should expect it to go within 2 days. My neuro exam was normal.

I also add I went for an eye test on Saturday and my eye health was ok.

So this morning the numbness has gone but my face and feet keep coming back. I've been extremely anxious all day, I've not stopped crying. I thought I got over this fear and now its back. I don't worry about any health things, it's just this MS fear! Can anyone help please? Does this sound typical of MS? My head also feels really really heavy and it's making me feel sick.

17-01-15, 20:31
You've had an awful migraine and that will wipe you out for days. I get them sometimes too.
I don't know much about MS but I know how awful a migraine can be and how frightening they are. Try it rest and I'm sure you will feel better.. You've had lots of tests and nothing was found to be wrong.

17-01-15, 20:37
Thanks Yogi. What symptoms do you get with a migraine? My head feels like a lead weight!

17-01-15, 20:40
They vary and luckily I don't seem to get such severe ones any more. A really bad one brings visual aura, vomiting, numbness, pins and needles, confusion, loss of speech and then blinding pain that gradually decreases over 3 or 4 days. Just awful.

17-01-15, 20:51
Yogi that's awful! That's how I feel and the anxiety of it is making me worse! I've been sick so much today too.

How long does your numbness last and also does the migraine come first for you? I've never had this this bad (ive had aura before but not with such a bad migraine) x

17-01-15, 21:01
It really varies a lot. That's why I think you shouldn't worry. I always get aura then sickness and all the rest then pain last.. I know other people get all sorts of variations though. Just rest loads and try not to stress (makes it worse). Let yourself get better and if you're still not right next week go back to doctor maybe.
Sending a hug xx