View Full Version : electrocuted by outlet, please help!

17-01-15, 22:26
i was plugging in my computer and its basically an outlet in an outlet, american charger in plugged into a eroupe charger that i need to plug into my wall.

I had my thumb and index finger holding between the american and eroup, and basically a small space. when i plugged it into the outlet i felt electricity for at least 3 seconds or so,

i feel a tingle between the fingers, and slight pain where it happened

im freaking out i can barly type, i feel pain and pressure in the top of my head suddenly, my nose feels numb am i gonna die???
its also getting harder and harder to breath
should i run to the ER?

will i die in my sleep?

17-01-15, 22:56
i was plugging in my computer and its basically an outlet in an outlet, american charger in plugged into a eroupe charger that i need to plug into my wall.

I had my thumb and index finger holding between the american and eroup, and basically a small space. when i plugged it into the outlet i felt electricity for at least 3 seconds or so,

i feel a tingle between the fingers, and slight pain where it happened

im freaking out i can barly type, i feel pain and pressure in the top of my head suddenly, my nose feels numb am i gonna die???
its also getting harder and harder to breath
should i run to the ER?

simple answer no love if this was going to happen when you got the shock ,you will be feeling worried and it will kick your anxiety in ,which we all no will kick the irrational thoughts in, you will be okay xx

17-01-15, 23:45
No, you'll be fine. I have done this many times myself! It's very painful, but not deadly.

In fact, to die from electrocution you'd have to be exposed to either much higher voltage or in a much more prolonged or concentrated event.

18-01-15, 08:12
This has happened to me too when I touched a light switch with wet hands! Bit of a stupid thing to do obviously haha!
But no, electric shocks cause immediate damage. If you've been knocked over from the shock immediately after it happened, are on the floor convulsing while not being able to let go of the appliance, or instantly dead, then the voltage was indeed too high.
Your body's an insulator, it needs quite a large shock for it to do anything!
Don't worry and rejoice in the fact some electricity was in your fingers! That's cool!