View Full Version : Twitching / Speech Issues

18-01-15, 00:00
Hi there,

Just wondering if anyone can give some guidance regarding a number of worrying symptoms i'm experiencing.

For the last 5 years or so i've been suffering from fatigue, brain fog and muscle twitching. These symptoms eventually led to panic attacks and the prescription of Citalopram.

After repeated visits to my Doctor I had a CT scan and visit to the neurologist (due to worries of a possible brain tumour or multiple sclerosis), an MRI has never been performed.

My symptoms come and go and will generally last a couple of weeks to a month before dissapearing almost completely. I also find that during the day my symptoms are more pronounced for periods of 1-2 hours before dying down significantly.

For the last week i've been having problems with slurred speech, forgotten words and confusion. I'm also getting eyelid twitching.

I have nothing to be anxious about in life other than my health, I feel as though genuine symptoms caused me to have panic attacks and therefore the issues i'm having have been misdiagnosed as such.

I guess the real questions I have are as follows:

- If a brain tumour was to go undiagnosed for a period of 5+ years, would the symptoms worsen on a linear scale or could they come and go?

- Do the symptoms i'm experiencing tie in with relapsing/remitting MS?

- Would a CT scan be an effective test for either a brain tumour or MS?

Thanks for your time!

31-03-15, 03:06
I hope you are still active here. I want to let you know I'm having the exact same problems as you and have not had an MRI either. Let me know if you have any updates.