View Full Version : Enlarged, hard lymph nodes?? Really scared!!

18-01-15, 01:47
Hi, I'm a 16 yr old girl and for about 4 years I've had hard, enlarged lymph nodes. I have one under each jaw and one on my right collarbone. They are all very movable but are rock solid. I'm really worried right now that I have sinus cancer and that it has spread to my lymph nodes, especially since I have read that rock hard lymph nodes are a sign of cancer. The ones on my jaw are about 1.1 cm, and the one on my collarbone is about .5 cm. does anyone else have this?? Is it normal to feel your lymph nodes??? I've read that hard lymph nodes especially on your collarbone are usually cancerous and in so scared!!

18-01-15, 02:18
Hi Liv

I know exactly how you feel I have a swollen lymph node above my left collar bone, I also have one on my neck that has just come up after I was bitten on my neck.

I like you are very scared right now

18-01-15, 02:23
Thanks for your reply. Are yours hard as well?

18-01-15, 02:27
The only way I can describe them is that they feel rubbery and they are sometimes painful when I poke them. I have also been told poking and prodding them can make them swell.

In the four years since you first noticed them have they ever changed in size?

18-01-15, 02:39
I can't really tell but I'm scared because they are rock hard and I read that's a sign of cancer

18-01-15, 02:43
Have you looked this up on google? Google searching is the worse thing to do. My advice is if you are really that worried go and see a doctor on Monday

18-01-15, 02:49
I saw an ENT last Wednesday but only about the ones on my jaw. At first he couldn't find them until I held them between my fingers, and then he said they were about 1.1 cm and probably nothing

18-01-15, 02:51
Then it probably is nothing but if your not sure get a second opinion x

18-01-15, 02:51
Lymph nodes under the 2cm mark are of little concern - hard or not.

Moveable firm nodes are ok. If they've been there 4 years there is 0 chance of them being cancerous.

You need to try and change your focus.

18-01-15, 02:54
Mumma I'm anxious as I have swollen lymph nodes red blood spots and bruising far easier than I use to.

Any wise words you could give me please x

18-01-15, 02:58
Hi Laura, what do you mean "red blood spots" are they on your skin like tiny red pinpoints? If you push them do they remain red or mostly turn skin colour for a split second?

18-01-15, 04:54
Hi Laura, having suffered health anxiety for a while now I understand how any new or reoccurring symptom can be terrifying. However I have started to realise now that some 'symptoms' I've always had but never noticed them until I've read somewhere it could be a sign of cancer or als or Ms or heart disease etc etc... For example, the red dots/moles you have, I once noticed that I also had some, read (Google of xourse) it could be cancer (can't even remember what type I've thought I've had so many) and freaked out! Then I noticed them all over my body which convinced me further! My girlfriend suggested I might have always had them but never noticed. So I asked if she had any, after checking Her I found she had more than me!! I'd never noticed them before and without sounding rude I probably know her body better than mine! It made me realise that once your mind fixates on one thing it finds it everywhere. Same goes for your bruising. I know as a suffering myself any relief from feeling anxious Is short lived, but I hope this helps ease your mind, even if for a minute.

18-01-15, 09:34
Hi Laura, what do you mean "red blood spots" are they on your skin like tiny red pinpoints? If you push them do they remain red or mostly turn skin colour for a split second?

They are so small it's difficult to press on them to be honest but by the looks of it they never go away. I hate feeling this way

---------- Post added at 09:34 ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 ----------

Hi Laura, having suffered health anxiety for a while now I understand how any new or reoccurring symptom can be terrifying. However I have started to realise now that some 'symptoms' I've always had but never noticed them until I've read somewhere it could be a sign of cancer or als or Ms or heart disease etc etc... For example, the red dots/moles you have, I once noticed that I also had some, read (Google of xourse) it could be cancer (can't even remember what type I've thought I've had so many) and freaked out! Then I noticed them all over my body which convinced me further! My girlfriend suggested I might have always had them but never noticed. So I asked if she had any, after checking Her I found she had more than me!! I'd never noticed them before and without sounding rude I probably know her body better than mine! It made me realise that once your mind fixates on one thing it finds it everywhere. Same goes for your bruising. I know as a suffering myself any relief from feeling anxious Is short lived, but I hope this helps ease your mind, even if for a minute.

Hi Robbie, thank you for your message, I have had a few red spots but I do seem to be getting more and more. I don't like how I am bruising so easily and how painful the bruises are. I am so convinced I have lymphoma, these irrational thoughts are with me when I go to bed, first thing when I wake, even when I am out with friends.

18-01-15, 09:45
I seem to have permanently swollen glands especially under my jaw. I have a rubbery lump on my neck too but a nurse looked at it and reckons its a vein I can feel so I am not worrying about it now.

My glands are up at the moment and I have been very tired, and getting blood when I blow my nose. I bruise easily too and was sweating last night and normally I would be working myself up over it but it really helped me to rationalise it all:

Swollen glands - feel 'worse than they actually are' as I am focusing on them a lot. If they are swollen, its most likely due to infection.

Blood when blowing nose - saw a Dr a few weeks ago, she thinks its due to dry sinuses. No need to worry.

Easy bruising - I take pain killers that also thin my blood, hence the easy bruising.

Tiredness - I think I might have a bit of a virus at the moment, hence the swollen glands.

Sweating - again I think I might have a bit of a virus.

I know how scary it is when this fear sets in and I really do understand *hugs*

Try and trust the doctors and let them put your mind at rest xxx

18-01-15, 19:03
So even though the nodes are rock hard and I have one on my collarbone(which is apparently a really bad place to have it) it's not cancer? I can't tell if they have grown in the past 4 yrs because I never paid much attention to them until now. Would they be really big now if they were cancer? Even a slow growing cancer like sinus cancer?

18-01-15, 19:15
I am not a doctor Liv so it would be best to get their advice but if you have had them for four years and you don't think they have grown they probably haven't. My advice is do go and see a doctor just to get a second opinion x

18-01-15, 21:14
Thanks, I mean I've seen an ENT about the lymph nodes in my jaw and he didn't seem concerned, he just said maybe they stayed permanently swollen from being sick 4 years ago, but I can't seem to remember a specific time when I was sick.