View Full Version : 2014 was tough, now facing new lymph node symptoms

18-01-15, 03:02
Hi everyone,

My Mom just showed me a small, pea-sized lump just under her collar bone, which she noticed for the first time tonight. It moves around... is that a good sign, as opposed to lumps that are fixed/can't be moved? In terms of the bigger picture, she has been run down and stressed more than usual lately, which could be the cause...

As for me, 2014 was a terrible year for health anxiety. It was sparked with the sudden death of my uncle, several scary moments (incl. one near-death experience) for my Dad who has dementia, and several scares in my Mom's health. I've resolved to leave health anxiety in the past, and I am managing it better this year, despite several symptoms that have would've plunged me into anxiety in the past. I haven't walked through that door quite yet, and I hope I never do again.

So I'm trying not to worry about my Mom. But I wanted to reach out to all of you here, as many of you can give reassurances based on your own experience. I'd love to hear from anyone here who's dealt with lymph node fears. Both my Mom and I could use some encouragement. Thank you!

18-01-15, 11:23
I realize that lymph nodes are a common concern here on the boards, and some of you may feel tired of repeating yourselves, if you've posted about this before.

If that's the case, please point me towards a thread where you've commented, or any other thread that has done a good job of covering my concerns.

I've done a search in the forums for lymph nodes, and nodes in the chest or collar bone, and there are just too many results than I have time for (I have a two-year-old who keeps me on my toes). I also noticed many threads with few to no replies, so I'm not surprised not to get an answer here myself. So if anyone can point me in the direction of the better threads about lymph nodes, I'll be happy. Thanks!