View Full Version : This was me sometimes.......

18-01-15, 08:37
Havent been on for a minute, I was in the hospital for about 4 days, because the attacks just made me have a nervous breakdown. After trying celexa, Iwas getting attacks so frequently and so intense, iI couldn't even care for myself.

I found the following paragraphs on a website.

"Anyone who has experienced a panic attack, courtesy of an adrenaline rush, may think that she is dying or going crazy or will make an ass out of herself because she has to bolt out of the room. Fortunately, the body's natural calming mechanism, according to Findthelight.net, eventually kicks into gear and the panicky symptoms will pass. However, a three-minute panic attack can seem like it lasted for three hours.


When an individual experiences an adrenaline rush, he may well have a hot flash or experience the sensation of his body heating up. This is due to the blood rushing to the center of his body because of the increased heart action caused by the adrenaline rush. The body begins to sweat. The individual's hands and feet may feel cold and clammy because all of his blood has rushed to the center of his body."

My panic attacks have definitely decreased in number and intensity these days. But I had the hardest time trying to explain to my doc and others exactly how my worse panic attacks felt. But I found the above paragraphs that explained exactly what I'd feel that was so frightening. There was a time the adrenaline just kept pumping and pumping I just wanted to run out of my skin.

I just felt like sharing and although the agoraphobia is still there, I am stillyet hhopeful that this will pass. Wishing everyone well.