View Full Version : Whirlwind of health anxiety, never ending

18-01-15, 14:29
Hello everyone...this is going to be long unfortunately so please be patient.

For over a year now I have had bad health anxiety. It was started with having a vaginal bacterial infection and a walk in clinic doctor misdiagnosed me saying I had herpes which tests were negative and it was an ingrown hair. That week waiting for the results made me a nervous wreak. Also the antibiotics he had me on for the bacterial infection messed me up. I started getting pretty bad headaches migraines...

With the Headaches and migraines, they were so bad that I would end up in emerge in a lot of pain. I went to my family doctor and neurologist and they only suggested I probably had Fibromyalgia because I also had muscle pains and always so tired and as a CT scan showed nothing was wrong.

I also have been having a hard time breathing, I have asthma but it was worse than usual, constant struggle. I had x-rays done twice on my chest and nothing was found or seen.

Then my stomach was acting up. Heart burn, acid reflux, a lot of pain. One doctor prescribed me Tecta thinking Ulcers....it didn't help. Family doctor prescribed me Tecta and antibiotics...didn't help. Went to emerge because I was bent over in pain and he gave me a liquid drink that numbed the stomach lining...it still hurt so he concluded that it's not an ulcer but to go back to my family doctor. I went back to my family doctor and he just set me up for an ultrasound. I was at an urgent care clinic for other worries yesterday including a sore throat and neck and finally that doctor set me up for a scope to be done. I'm also constipated and always bloated.

I was also having pelvic pain which turned out to be a cyst on my ovary. But my doctor suggested another ultrasound to see how I am doing because my periods are either non existent or over a month long and heavy. Along with that I have had my breasts checked and are fine.

Newish worry was after I read about a girl dying from skin cancer that is in it's 3rd stage. I already was waiting for a dermatologist appointment with fear of my many moles....the appointment is a month away but I always do self checks...one mole looked to change in shape and size and was uneven. That freaked me out and gave me a major anxiety attack. I went to the urgent care (also to discuss my throat and neck pain) and he checked it out saying it looks fine (honestly this doctor was amazing being patient, kind, answering my questions with my concerns)

Another worry is my gums... my teeth constantly feel sensitive or shifting. I do have recession in my gums but now all of my teeth are bothering me when I chew or anything...can't go to a dentist to check that out but the kind doctor looked inside saying he didn't see anything too alarming other than my gums looking irritated.

New worry? I have a scab on my face that I have been picking at. I don't remember how it got there, if it was a pimple or not but it wont go away. It also has this hard (plastic like feel when I pick?) like something is stuck and wont come out. It hurts to the touch and also my cheek bone and jaw on that side feel numb and stiff.... I also noticed inside of my mouth along the cheek lining a little tiny red dot. I know I'm probably overreacting but I do have skin cancer in my family. My biggest fear is getting cancer and not knowing about it so it will be terminal.

I have had tons of blood tests and everything normal. I have had the CT on my head to check my head and sinuses, x-ray for my chest and also to check for bowel obstructions, ultrasounds on my gallbladder, kidneys, appendix, pancreas, uterus, ovaries, also eye test. Everything is fine but I can not shake this feeling off. When I am relieved with one thing, another worry comes, in this case the scab on my cheek that is a bit painful and wont go away.

Honestly I wish I could just marry a doctor so I am monitored 24/7