View Full Version : Flu Virus, or Anxiety!? OR BOTH!?

18-01-15, 18:08
I have heard there is lots of influenza going round at the moment, but as someone who has HA I am constantly worried whether I actually have flu or if my anxiety is causing my symptoms. I don't feel that anxious at the moment, really.

My whole family has it, so I should feel reassured that I'm not alone, but part of me is saying that it will never go and I will get chronic fatigue syndrome as a result of it, or I will just have to live with it for the rest of my life. We have all had it for just over a week now but in my head I've had it for about 3 months and it's more than just transient flu - not anything serious but I'm scared it's not going to get better. I know this is totally irrational.

It's not like classic flu with a cold, but then nobody else in my family has that either. It's more of a blocked sinus type virus which causes really bad fatigue. I feel like I'm walking through syrup and have slight shaking all the time :( I also feel like I have a brick wedged in my head I'm so blocked up! My mum has the exact same symptoms as me, so I know I shouldn't worry but for some reason I am still overthinking this. Ugh.

Anyone else got flu?:shrug:

18-01-15, 18:29
I think I may have the flu aswell.

I am in Canada so it's likely different but my symptoms are alarming me because there is no stuffiness, just head pain dizziness and post nasal drip.

I am sure mine will pass and so will yours.

18-01-15, 18:38
I have read that there is a mutated strain of H3N2 affecting a lot of people in the UK and USA. So it could be a similar story in Canada. It's horrible, I have dizziness and head pain too. It annoys me because the flu jab was prepared before the strain mutated, so is only something like 25% effective; unlikely to protect against this strain.

It's the worst I think I have felt in all my 30 years, so, so fatigued.

It further annoys me that there are antiviral drugs which are available to those at risk (which is obviously good) but not to ''healthy'' people. But we can't go to work! So what do we do.... grr.

26-01-15, 10:40
Hi Katki

Your post rang true for me as well. I haven't felt well for several months now, aches pains, stuffiness, terrible dizzies and a persistent cough. On top of that I've been put on Citalopram recently and feel worse than ever! I had one of the worst Christmases I can remember and found it tough trying to be social with all the family. Doctors seem to brush off the idea that I might be suffering for such a length of time and tend to treat the obvious things rather than any underlying cause. Really fed up right now!

26-01-15, 11:21
Ugh, yeah think I had that one, didn't do snotty etc, just feeling rubbish for days! I would say it's flu most likely, but your anxiety is kicking in too. Try not to worry about it, some bugs can take a few weeks to get over completely, and it will take longer if you are anxious at the same time... so take it easy, drink lots of liquids, you will get better soon :)