View Full Version : acid reflux - is it in my head??

18-01-15, 19:56
Well I've been suffering with pretty much constant acid reflux for over a year now. Had bloods done,all came back normal - dr prescribed omeprazole which didn't help at all.
My symptoms were a constant sore throat to start with, that has gone and now I get a burning in my chest area.
However I came off the omeprazole as they made me feel awful and instead went to a homepath. After 3 treatments my acid was pretty much gone, unfortunately the homepath is poorly and has not been working for over a month now and guess what the symptoms have returned!

So I've done some research and I get by with Apple Cider Vinegar, although it doesn't stop it for the whole day.

Anyway, interestingly I went out with friends last night, had a curry and way to much to drink...and guess what no acid reflux at all.
Is this because I wasn't thinking about it, and my anxiety is keeping it going? I don't feel my anxiety is out of control at the moment but hey I guess it can be just bubbling along under the surface for it to cause me problems. I'm constantly looking for that magical cure on the internet so I suppose I'm definitely keeping it going.

Wonder if anyone else has this issue.....Is it real or all in my head???

18-01-15, 22:07
I have it too and it comes and goes. Mine is more due to low acid stomach I guess so even though I wss prescribed, I'm not taking my omeprazoles. It was pretty bad few months ago so I had an endoscopy and they couldn't find anything wrong. Interestingly, my symptoms were gone shorthly after endoscopy. Heartburn, trapped wind and acid reflux come back from time to time but the less I care about it the less it happens. I'm very much into alternative medicine so I take aloe vera juice, manuka honey and drink herbal teas like ginger, peppermint, chamomile. Anxiety definitely causes digestive issues. You can try less than a half of teaspoon of baking soda in water for excess acid.

19-01-15, 02:19
My reflux is definitely worse when I'm stressed. Many stomach issues are stress related. But diet changes have made a huge difference for me and I manage my reflux without medication. When I'm stressed, I know that I have to pay special attention to nutrition and avoid trigger foods and acidic foods, and definitely avoid alcohol. My reflux is not something that I have health anxiety about, it's just a reality and something that I focus on managing in my everyday life. Stressing about it only makes it worse ;) A book by Dr. Jamie Koufman called Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook and Cure is incredibly useful and explains the acid reflux diet in a very clear and easy to follow way. I recommend it to everyone, especially people who use their voices for a living. I would include a link but I don't have enough posts to be able to post links.