View Full Version : swolen groin lymph node scan today..POSITIVE:)

miss sparkle
18-01-15, 22:16
Hi everyone. I havent been on here an awful lot recently. As i have trying to quash my ha and get on with things.
I just felt i wanted to post a ultra quick update on my current situation. I have had a lymph node in my groin that has been bothering me for months now. I have had it since about july last year. It feels the size of a almond. Roughly the size of my middle finger up until the first line/knuckle bit.
Anyway i went to the doctors who didnt thin it was much to be concerned about, but referred me for a scan. That finally (took 5 weeks) came though today. And all is absolutely fine :)
The ultrasound guy was soooo nice. And spoke to me with patience and respect. He had a good look and showed me on the scan etc and explained i was feeling a enlarged archery(spelling😮) anyway bottom line in i was convinved it was something bad for months on end. Worried sick. And all turns out ok. Obviously be vigilant, check any concerns with your gp, but it can just as easily be good news not bad. Thats what im trying to say.
Im not 'cured' im sure i will be on here within weeks/days looking up my next concern and panicing. But for now. Im thankful and can sleep abit easier tonight 😊xx

18-01-15, 23:17
Congratulations on the good news! You must be so relieved, I am happy for you. I have a swollen lymph node in my right groin, noticed it 2 weeks ago and will see my Gp again in 10 days. She said if it doesn't go down she'll send me for further tests, worries sick about lymphoma. Reading this made me feel better. Hope you don't focus on any other symptom and continue feeling like this, take care xx

miss sparkle
19-01-15, 16:48
Thankyou joan. Im sure everything will be ok with you too :) xx

19-01-15, 16:56
Surely that's a "negative" scan?

03-02-15, 13:59
That's great news Miss Sparkle. I've just been referred for an US and blood tests on two swollen lymph odes in my groin - they're really painful. I hope I get the same outcome as you - feeling pretty nervous about it.

03-02-15, 16:13
Surely that's a "negative" scan?

Yes. Scared the hell out of me there for a second.