View Full Version : CURE

19-01-15, 01:05
Please anyone. Will I be normal again ? I find it hard work going to my local shop!!!

19-01-15, 01:08
You will feel normal again.

I have been through this many times before. It usually last me about 2 months and then I will be fine for a year or so, everyone is different.

If you feel you need to use medication or therapy, then ask your gp as soon as you can.

19-01-15, 01:38
I have been on the roller coaster as well. It does get better. I have found that I still have blips, but they definitely do not last as long as they used to. I have used medication in the past, therapy therapy and more therapy.

19-01-15, 01:46
You will. It's a massive thing to overcome but it is possible.

19-01-15, 11:38
thankyou for your support