View Full Version : Newbie.

19-01-15, 08:03
Hi all. Firstly, I would like to say thanks for being there - I found the site during the wee small hours when I was sat up, unable to sleep again due to persistent intrusive ideas, heart palpitations and general dithers, and usual inability to sleep. I've never joined a forum before, or really admitted I have problems, so this is a huge step.
I'm 40, and although I've always been a worrier, I've managed to keep it under control, and most who know me wouldn't recognise me as an anxious person at all. Over the last 6-8 months though I've become far worse, to the point where I'm barely functioning at times. I have persistent catastrophic ideas, paranoia, insomnia, and feel really disconnected from everybody - even with friends I feel like I'm on the outside looking in. What makes it worse is that I'm a qualified mental health nurse, so I know exactly what I 'should' do, but nothing is working. I haven't been to my doc, as I know the resources locally don't provide adequate talking therapies, and I'm reluctant to take meds just yet. Hoping I can learn from others here how to manage my anxiety and low mood, and not feel quite so overwhelmed and alone - and also help some of you in return, if possible.

19-01-15, 08:09
Hiya clare1974 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

19-01-15, 14:04
Hi and welcome

congratulations for taking the first step to admitting you're having problems.

You are showing classic anxiety/depression symptoms. The next big step you have to make is making an appointment with your GP. Medication is only a 'tool' most doctors use. Some GPs will run blood tests making sure there isn't anything underlying, like a Thyroid or Hormonal problem or you could look into more natural methods, St Johns Wort, Valerian etc, but even these can have side-effects.

My anxiety/depression started after I'd had a stomach virus a couple of years ago, and more lately a Thyroid problem.

So go on take that bull by the horns and make that appointment. You're not alone, there are thousands of us on here who have been where you are now.

You'll never know unless you go!!!!:hugs:

Take care

19-01-15, 19:23
Hi Clare, a mental health nurse and currently also experiencing anxiety symptoms!! That said mine have tapered off after finally deciding I don't have the energy or time to struggle without help. Doctor prescribed me 10 mg of citalopram just over 2 weeks ago, along with propanalol which helped ease physical symptoms (no longer on propanalol now) which really helped.
I think as an rmn you think your immune!! How nuts is that?!
I've had anxiety before always when I've experienced stressful life events, this is my third time in 47 years, this is the first time I've tried meds for it and I can't believe how well they have worked, wish I hadn't struggled before, but as they say different courses for different horses!
It does get better Clare, be kind to yourself, take time out, and don't beat yourself up about it!

22-01-15, 12:15
Hi Clare. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll benefit from being here, just as I have.