View Full Version : Flu-season wont let go of me!

19-01-15, 10:33
Anyone else hit really hard by this year's flu-season? I got a bought in December - 10 days or so - and now it's back again, for the past few weeks I've been poorly, but not bed ridden or anything, but what really gets me is that it just seems to be droning on and on.
One day I'll feel fine and the next morning I'll wake up with a slight soreness in my throat and feeling feverish/fluey/hot-cold (though i don't actually have fever). This has been the pattern for two weeks now and i had infection ruled out last week. Had a lot of mucus - still have a bit - and intermittent sore throat and general muscle soreness in my upper body. Doesn't seem to get worse, but doesn't really get better, either...
Anyone else had similar experience? I really want to write it off as just a normal flu perhaps maintained by my stress levels, but my subconscious wants to take me off to way darker places...

19-01-15, 17:38
Had this too for the past 2 months. Felt worst the past 2 weeks and cannot shift it and am worried I have post viral fatigue as I have been very stressed with it all on top... think it's just a horrible flu that takes a while to go and can come back.:(