View Full Version : Bad day with c-word fears - advice and support needed :(

19-01-15, 14:42
Hi guys

I have been feeling really tired for the last few days and I am worried. Was doing so well with ‘recognising’ my intrusive thoughts/fears then moving on from them rather than just ignoring them but I am struggling today.

Since before Christmas I have had blocked/crackly ears on and off, with the left ear being worse. It comes and goes but I can always feel ‘something’ if you know what I mean. I have sinus issues too, nasal polyps and dry sinuses that bleed occasionally (this all causes massive c word fears for me!)

Today all round my nose and lips is sore and I had a mad sneezing fit this morning. Feel tired and run down and my glands have been up and sore for about a week now.

I know the LOGICAL explanation is a cold/virus but I am just scared cause my ears have been bad a while (was told its Eustachian tube dysfunction) again this comes and goes. I went swimming yesterday and my left ear has felt funny since so I am guessing a bit of water got in.

I know it all sounds daft but I am just so scared of the following cancers at the moment:

Sinus/nasal/ear cancer – due to all the above symptoms
Lymphoma – due to glands being up and tiredness

I am really panicking cause I am due blood test results any day now testing for rheumatoid arthritis and I am just so scared something else will be wrong like low full blood count or something like that.

I am so scared that I am going to get ill and die before I have chance to marry my boyfriend and have a baby. I just can’t shake the thoughts or the fear. It IS getting easier with CBT and medication but today I am struggling.

This just feels never ending....

I know so many people who have had cancer and I am just petrified that I will be next. I cant get the thoughts out of my head and everything I do even happy things are ruined cause I have this dread inside me. It is eating away at me and I can’t cope with it today L

I just wish all my symptoms would go away!!! Really worried about my blocked ear, so scared of sinus cancer at the moment L