View Full Version : Medication problems not being solved :(

19-01-15, 14:57
So I've been on 125mg of Sertraline for about a year now, I'm 16 years old and I go to cahms for cognitive behavioural therapy. I've told my psychiatrist multiple times that I always feel tired, unmotivated and I have night sweats and night terrors almost every night, I'm sure it's related to my medication, a lot of people have said their Sertraline makes them feel tired, lightheaded etc. My psychiatrist said these things are anxiety related and I am on beta blockers also. I feel tired and poorly all the time and it's affecting my relationship and social life, I don't know what to do. My psychiatrist is very strict and unuseful most of the time, I need to change medications or something as this has been a problem for longer than I can remember. :weep: nobody seems to be able to help me. Also I looked up my symptoms and it points to anemia and thyroid problems, I had a blood test about 2 months ago which came back clear.